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Archival IIIF server

The Archival IIIF server indexes and provides IIIF services for digital collections. The server can be configured with a number of different services to index the digital collections and to create derivatives.

  1. Components
  2. Services
    1. Default services
    2. Workers
    3. Cron jobs
    4. Standalones
    5. Libraries
  3. Web API
    1. IIIF Image API
    2. IIIF Presentation API
    3. IIIF Content Search API
    4. IIIF Authentication API
    5. File API
    6. PDF API
    7. Text API
    8. Helper API
    9. Admin API
  4. Installation
    1. Docker Compose
    2. Manual installation
  5. Configuration
  6. Data model
    1. Items
    2. Texts


The Archival IIIF server is composed of a web application and various service workers. The service workers index collections to ElasticSearch, while the web environment gives access to the index through various IIIF API's. Redis is used to manage the communication between various service workers and provides additional caching capabilities.


The Archival IIIF server comes with several services that can be turned on or off using the env variable IIIF_SERVER_SERVICES.

Default service

The web service runs the IIIF web environment.


The worker services wait for new jobs to appear in a queue in Redis. A distinction is made between index workers that indexes data in ElasticSearch and derivative workers that create specific derivatives of collection items. At the moment, the Archival IIIF server identifies a number of different fileinfo of worker services:

  • Index worker: Gets a job with the path of a collection to be indexed in ElasticSearch. Current implementations:
    • iish-index: A specific IISH implementation of the index worker. Indexes DIPs created by the Archivematica instance of the IISH.
    • ecodices-index: A specific eCodices implementation of the index worker. Indexes DIPs created by the Archivematica instance of eCodices.
  • Text index worker: Gets a job with a collection id and a list of all transcriptions/transliterations to be indexed in ElasticSearch. Current implementations:
    • text-index: Indexes plain text files and ALTO files.
  • Reindex worker: Gets a list of collections ids to be reindexed or a query for ElasticSearch. Current implementations:
    • archivematica-reindex: An Archivematica implementation of the reindex worker. Can start reindexing for DIPs created by Archivematica instances.
  • Metadata index worker: Gets a job with a collection id and/or a OAI identifier and obtains the metadata from an OAI endpoint to be indexed in ElasticSearch. Current implementations:
    • iish-metadata: Looks for and indexes metadata from the OAI service of the IISH.
    • niod-metadata: Looks for and indexes metadata from NIOD.
    • ecodices-metadata: Looks for and indexes metadata from eCodices.
  • All metadata update worker: Starts the metadata process again for all items. Current implementations:
    • all-metadata-update: Default implementation.
  • Waveform derivative worker: Gets a job with a collection id and then builds waveform representations of all audio files of the collection with the given collection id. Current implementations:
    • waveform: Default implementation.
  • PDF image derivative worker: Gets a job with a collection id and then builds JPG representations of the first page of all PDF files of the collection with the given collection id. Current implementations:
    • pdf-image: Default implementation.
  • Video image derivative worker: Gets a job with a collection id and then extracts a still as JPG and creates a mosaic of stills with a WebVTT file from all video files of the collection with the given collection id. Current implementations:
    • video-image: Default implementation.
  • Process update worker: Gets the process type to start and a query for ElasticSearch. Current implementations:
    • process-update: Default implementation.

Cron jobs

The cron job services run periodically. At the moment, the Archival IIIF server identifies one cron job:

  • Metadata update: Checks periodically whether some metadata has to be updated. Current implementations:
    • iish-metadata-update: Runs daily to query the OAI service of the IISH for updates and sends those to the metadata indexer.


The standalone services do not wait on a trigger like the workers or cron jobs. At the moment, the Archival IIIF server identifies one standalone service:

  • Directory watcher: Watches a directory for any changes (new collections) and sends those to the index worker to be indexed. Current implementations:
    • directory-watcher-changes: When a directory has had no changes for a certain amount of time, it is assumed that it is safe to send the directory to the index worker to be indexed.
    • directory-watcher-file-trigger: When a directory is updated with a specific file, it triggers the index worker to be indexed.


The libraries are lightweight services with specific implementation details that can run together with the web service on the same running instance. At the moment, the Archival IIIF server identifies three different libraries:

  • Access: Determines whether a user has (limited) access to a specific item. Current implementations:
    • default-access: All granted; default implementation
    • iish-access: IISH specific implementation.
    • niod-access: NIOD specific implementation.
  • Authentication texts: Provides implementation specific texts to help the user with authenticating. Current implementations:
    • default-auth-texts: Default implementation.
    • iish-auth-texts: IISH specific implementation.
  • Basic IIIF metadata: Provides implementation specific IIIF metadata. Current implementations:
    • default-basic-iiif-metadata: Default (no IIIF metadata) implementation.
    • iish-basic-iiif-metadata: IISH specific implementation.
    • ecodices-basic-iiif-metadata: eCodices specific implementation.
  • Canvas IIIF metadata: Provides implementation specific IIIF metadata for a canvas. Current implementations:
    • default-canvas-iiif-metadata: Default (no IIIF metadata) implementation.
    • ecodices-canvas-iiif-metadata: eCodices specific implementation.
  • Root file item: Provides implementation specific logic to determine the child item which represent the root:
    • default-root-file-item: Default implementation: always the first page.
    • iish-root-file-item: IISH specific implementation.
    • ecodices-root-file-item: eCodices specific implementation.
  • Top collections: Provides implementation specific IIIF top collections:
    • default-top-collections: Default implementation listing all IIIF collections/manifests.
    • iish-top-collections: IISH specific implementation.



See also the IIIF Image API 2.1 and the IIIF Image API 3.0

URL: /iiif/image/[id] / /iiif/image/[id]/info.json

Method: GET

IIIF Image API. Returns the JSON-LD description for the image with the given id.

URL: /iiif/image/[id]/[region]/[size]/[rotation]/[quality].[format]

Method: GET

IIIF Image API. Returns the image with the given id for the specified options.

IIIF Presentation API

See also the IIIF Presentation API 2.1 and the IIIF Presentation API 3.0

URL: /iiif/presentation/collection/[id]

Method: GET

IIIF Presentation API. Returns the JSON-LD description for the collection with the given id.

URL: /iiif/presentation/[id]/manifest

Method: GET

IIIF Presentation API. Returns the JSON-LD description for the manifest with the given id.

URL: /iiif/presentation/[id]/annopage/[annotation-page-id]

Method: GET

IIIF Presentation API. Returns the JSON-LD description for the annotation page with the given annotation page id for a manifest with the given id.

IIIF Content Search API

See also the IIIF Content Search API

URL: /iiif/search/[id]

Method: GET

IIIF Content Search search API. Search the text of a manifest with the given id.

URL: /iiif/search/[id]/[type]

Method: GET

IIIF Content Search search API. Search the text of a given type, of a manifest with the given id.

URL: /iiif/search/[id]/[type]/[language]

Method: GET

IIIF Content Search search API. Search the text of a given type and given language, of a manifest with the given id.

URL: /iiif/autocomplete/[id]

Method: GET

IIIF Content Search autocomplete API. Autocompletion for the text of a manifest with the given id.

URL: /iiif/autocomplete/[id]/[type]

Method: GET

IIIF Content Search autocomplete API. Autocompletion for the text of a given type, of a manifest with the given id.

URL: /iiif/autocomplete/[id]/[type]/[language]

Method: GET

IIIF Content Search autocomplete API. Autocompletion for the text of a given type and given language, of a manifest with the given id.

IIIF Authentication API

See also the IIIF Authentication API

URL: /iiif/auth/login

Method: GET

IIIF login service. Shows a login screen based on an internal token store.

URL: /iiif/auth/login

Method: POST

Parameters: token

Checks the provided token with the internal token store.

URL: /iiif/auth/cookie

Method: GET

Parameters: token, redirect

IIIF cookie service. Sets an authorization cookie based on the internal token store and then redirects the user.

URL: /iiif/auth/token

Method: GET

Parameters: token

IIIF token service.

URL: /iiif/auth/logout

Method: GET

IIIF logout service.

File API

URL: /file/[id] / /file/[id]/original / /file/[id]/access

Method: GET

Provides access to the file with the given id. Explicit access to the original copy or the access copy can be provided.

URL: /file/[id]/[derivative-type]

Method: GET

Provides access to the derivative of the given type for the file with the given id.


URL: /pdf/[id]

Method: GET

Parameters: pages

Generates a PDF version of a collection with the given id.

Text API

URL: /text/[id]

Method: GET

Obtain an HTML version of the text with the given id.

URL: /text/[id]/txt

Method: GET

Obtain plain text version of the text with the given id.

Helper API

URL: /helper/viewer

Method: GET

Parameters: manifest

Opens a given IIIF manifest in the configured viewer.

Admin API

URL: /admin/worker_status

Method: GET

Shows that status of all workers. Can only be used by an administrator with a valid access token.

URL: /admin/index

Method: POST

Parameters: path

Creates a job for the index worker to index the collection on the given path. Can only be used by an administrator with a valid access token.

URL: /admin/index_api

Method: POST

Indexes the request body right away. Can only be used by an administrator with a valid access token.

URL: /admin/reindex

Method: POST

Parameters: collection_id, query

Creates a job for the reindex worker to index for the given collection ids or using the given ElasticSearch query. Can only be used by an administrator with a valid access token.

URL: /admin/update_metadata

Method: POST

Parameters: metadata_id, root_id, collection_id

Creates a job for the metadata worker to force-update the metadata for the given metadata id and/or root/collection id. Can only be used by an administrator with a valid access token.

URL: /admin/all_metadata_update

Method: POST

Create jobs for the metadata worker to force-update all the metadata. Can only be used by an administrator with a valid access token.

URL: /admin/process_update

Method: POST

Parameters: type, query

Creates a job for the process update worker to start a process of the given type using the given ElasticSearch query. Can only be used by an administrator with a valid access token.

URL: /admin/register_token

Method: POST

Parameters: token, id, from, to

Registers a token which may give access to a specific id for a specific period of time. Can only be used by an administrator with a valid access token.


Use the provided Docker Compose or install manually.

Docker Compose

  1. Set up any IIIF image compliant server. The Docker Compose comes with support for:
  2. See for example the provided docker-compose.yml.example:
    • Note: Clone the web service definition to create multiple services and use the env variable IIIF_SERVER_SERVICES to define which services that container should run.
  3. Set up the configuration (See .env.example for the example configuration)
    • Set up the environment variables in the Docker Compose file
  4. Set up volumes for the following:
    • data: The volume which contains the collections to be indexed or files to be read, but also allows write access for derivative creation
    • indexes: The volume for ElasticSearch indexes to be stored
    • redis-persistance: The volume for Redis storage

Manual installation

  1. Set up any IIIF image compliant server:
    • Use our image server.
    • Or set up any IIIF image compliant server.
  2. Install
  3. Install optional dependencies for derivative creation
  4. Set up the configuration (See .env.example for the example configuration)
    • Copy .env.example to .env and set up the parameters for development
    • Set up the environment variables for production
    • With PM2, set up a config.yml file with the environment variables
  5. Run npm install or yarn install
  6. Run tsc to transpile the application
  7. Start the application:
    • Run node src/app.js
    • With PM2: pm2 start config.yml


The environment variables used to configure the application:

  • NODE_ENV: Should be production in a production environment
  • IIIF_SERVER_SERVICES: Comma separated list of services to run on this instance:
    • General services:
      • web: Sets up a web server and the web environment
      • directory-watcher-changes: Runs a standalone script that watches a directory for new collections to index: when a collection has had no changes for a certain amount of time, the index is triggered
      • directory-watcher-file-trigger: Runs a standalone script that watches a directory for new collections to index: when a collection includes a trigger file, the index is triggered
      • text-index: Runs a worker that indexes texts (transcriptions, translations, etc.)
      • process-update: Runs a worker that triggers other workers to run for specific items
      • all-metadata-update: Runs a worker that triggers a reindex of all metadata
      • default-access: Loads a library that grants access to all items
      • default-auth-texts: Loads a library that provides authentication empty assistance texts
      • default-basic-iiif-metadata: Loads a library that provides no basic IIIF metadata
      • default-canvas-iiif-metadata: Loads a library that provides no canvas IIIF metadata
      • default-root-file-item: Loads a library that provides the child item representative for the root item
      • default-top-collections: Loads a library that provides top IIIF collections
    • Derivative services:
      • waveform: Runs a worker that creates waveforms from audio files
      • pdf-image: Runs a worker that creates images from pdf files
      • video-image: Runs a worker that creates images from video files
    • IISH specific services:
      • iish-archivematica-index: Runs a worker that indexes IISH DIPs from Archivematica
      • iish-archivematica-reindex: Runs a worker that reindexes IISH DIPs from Archivematica
      • iish-metadata: Runs a worker that indexes IISH metadata (MARCXML / EAD)
      • iish-metadata-update: Runs a cron job that processes changes in the IISH metadata
      • iish-access: Loads a library that determines access to items for IISH collections
      • iish-auth-texts: Loads a library that provides authentication assistance texts of items from IISH collections
      • iish-basic-iiif-metadata: Loads a library that provides IIIF metadata of items from IISH collections
      • iish-root-file-item: Loads a library that provides the child item representative for the root item of items from IISH collections
      • iish-top-collections: Loads a library that provides top IIIF collections for IISH collections
    • NIOD specific services:
      • niod-metadata: Runs a worker that indexes NIOD metadata
      • niod-access: Loads a library that determines access to items for NIOD collections
    • eCodices specific servies:
      • ecodices-index: Runs a worker that indexes eCodices DIPs from Archivematica
      • ecodices-metadata: Runs a worker that indexes eCodices metadata
      • ecodices-basic-iiif-metadata: Loads a library that provides IIIF metadata of items from eCodices collections
      • ecodices-canvas-iiif-metadata: Loads a library that provides IIIF metadata of canvases from eCodices collections
      • ecodices-root-file-item: Loads a library that provides the child item representative for the root item of items from eCodices collections
  • IIIF_SERVER_SECRET: Signed cookie key
  • IIIF_SERVER_ACCESS_TOKEN: Access token for administrator access
  • IIIF_SERVER_IMAGE_SERVER_URL: URL of the external IIIF image server (such as Loris)
  • IIIF_SERVER_IMAGE_SERVER_NAME: Name of the image server (either 'loris' or 'sharp')
  • IIIF_SERVER_METADATA_OAI_URL: URL of the OAI metadata provider
  • IIIF_SERVER_METADATA_SRW_URL: URL of the SRW metadata provider
  • IIIF_SERVER_IMAGE_TIER_SEPARATOR: Separator character to separate between the image identifier and the image tier
  • IIIF_SERVER_MAX_TASKS_PER_WORKER: The maximum number of tasks a single type of worker can load at the same time
  • IIIF_SERVER_PORT: Port to run the web server
  • IIIF_SERVER_ATTRIBUTION: Attribution to add to the IIIF manifests
  • IIIF_SERVER_BASE_URL: The public base URL of the application
  • IIIF_SERVER_VIEWER_URL: The URL of the main IIIF viewer to use (the manifest URI will be added to this URL)
  • IIIF_SERVER_HOT_FOLDER_PATH: The path to the hot folder where new collections to be indexed are placed
  • IIIF_SERVER_HOT_FOLDER_PATTERN: The pattern of a file in the root of a new collection to trigger indexing
  • IIIF_SERVER_DATA_ROOT_PATH: The root path of the data storage
  • IIIF_SERVER_COLLECTIONS_REL_PATH: The relative path of the (read-only) collections under the data storage root path
  • IIIF_SERVER_DERIVATIVE_REL_PATH: The relative path of the (read-write) derivatives under the data storage root path
  • IIIF_SERVER_LOGO_REL_PATH: The relative path to the image with the logo to add to the IIIF manifests
  • IIIF_SERVER_AUDIO_REL_PATH: The relative path to the image with the audio icon to add to the IIIF manifests
  • IIIF_SERVER_METADATA_PATH: The path to the folder which contains all the metadata
  • IIIF_SERVER_PDF_PAGES_THRESHOLD: If defined, limit dynamic PDF creation per IP address when over this configured threshold (Requires Redis volatile server)
  • IIIF_SERVER_PDF_SESSION_SECONDS: If defined, the number of seconds to limit dynamic PDF creation per IP address ( Requires Redis volatile server)
  • IIIF_SERVER_PDF_IMAGE_SIZE: The (IIIF) size of images for the dynamic PDF creation (defaults to 'max')
  • IIIF_SERVER_VIDEO_MOSAIC_WIDTH: The width of the thumbnails in the video mosaic derivative (defaults to 500)
  • IIIF_SERVER_VIDEO_TILES_ROWS: The number of rows in the video mosaic derivative (defaults to 6)
  • IIIF_SERVER_VIDEO_TILES_COLUMNS: The number of columns in the video mosaic derivative (defaults to 5)
  • IIIF_SERVER_LOG_LEVEL: The logging level
  • IIIF_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS_HEADER: The header to read the IP address from, instead of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR
  • IIIF_SERVER_INTERNAL_IP_ADDRESSES: If access may be granted based on IP address, provide a comma separated white list of ip addresses (Requires Redis persistent server)
  • IIIF_SERVER_LOGIN_ENABLED: Turn login based authentication on/off (Requires Redis persistent server)
  • IIIF_SERVER_EXTERNAL_ENABLED: Turn external based authentication on/off (Requires Redis persistent server)
  • IIIF_SERVER_DNS_CACHE_ENABLED: Turns DNS caching on/off
  • IIIF_SERVER_ELASTICSEARCH_URL: URL of the ElasticSearch indexer
  • IIIF_SERVER_ELASTICSEARCH_USER: Username of the ElasticSearch indexer if authentication is enabled
  • IIIF_SERVER_ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD: Password of the ElasticSearch indexer if authentication is enabled
  • IIIF_SERVER_ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_PREFIX: The prefix in front of the name of the indices 'items' and 'texts'
  • IIIF_SERVER_REDIS_VOLATILE_ENABLED: Turn Redis volatile server on/off (Sets up caching)
  • IIIF_SERVER_REDIS_VOLATILE_HOST: Host of the Redis caching server
  • IIIF_SERVER_REDIS_VOLATILE_PORT: Port of the Redis caching server
  • IIIF_SERVER_REDIS_PERSIST_ENABLED: Turn Redis persistent server on/off (Sets up jobs and auth tokens)
  • IIIF_SERVER_REDIS_PERSIST_HOST: Host of the Redis persistent server
  • IIIF_SERVER_REDIS_PERSIST_PORT: Port of the Redis persistent server

Data model

The ElasticSearch index is configured with two different indexes: one for the items and one for the texts.


The items index consists of items which can be categorized into different fileinfo:

  • metadata: Items which only have descriptive metadata (renders to a IIIF collection)
  • folder: Items which will be rendered as a folder in a filesystem structure (renders to a IIIF collection)
  • root: Items which describe a specific object (renders to a IIIF manifest)
  • range: Items which describe a range within a specific object (renders to a range within a IIIF manifest)
  • file: A file which cannot be categorized in one of the other file fileinfo
  • pdf: A PDF file
  • image: An image file
  • audio: An audio file
  • video: A video file

Using these fileinfo hierarchies can be build. Items with the type metadata always end up with either a folder or a root type. Items with the folder or root type may not necessarily have a parent metadata item. Items with a folder type may have child items which can be either folder fileinfo or any of the file fileinfo. Items with a root type may only have child items which are any of the file fileinfo. Items with a range type appear for files with a root type.

Field Type Required Description
id string Always The identifier of the item.
parent_id string If file type, range type or not root folder The identifier of the parent item (creates a hierarchy).
parent_ids string[] If file type, range type or not root folder The path of all items identifiers all the way to the root.
range_ids string[] If file type All range item identifiers.
collection_id string Always The identifier of the root item or root folder item.
metadata_id string If item contains descriptive metadata The identifier of the descriptive metadata used.
type string Always One of the item types described above.
formats string[] Categorization of formats.
label string Always The label of the item.
description string The description of the item.
authors object[] All authors of the item.
type string Always
name string Always
dates string[] All dates of the item.
physical string Physical information about the item.
size integer If file type The file size.
order integer A number to determine the order of all child items.
created_at date If file or folder type The date of file creation.
width integer If image or video type The width of the image / video.
height integer If image or video type The height of the image / video.
resolution integer If image type The resolution of the image.
duration double If audio or video type The duration of the audio / video.
metadata object[] Additional metadata as key/value pairs.
label string Always
value string Always
original object If file type either this or access Data about the original file.
uri string If file type either this or access Relative path to the original file.
puid string PRONOM identifier of the original file.
access object If file type either this or access Data about the access copy of the file.
uri string If file type either this or access Relative path to the access file.
puid string PRONOM identifier of the access file.


The texts index consists of all indexed text files. These can be either plain text files or ALTO-XML files.

Field Type Required Description
id string Always The identifier of the text item.
item_id string Always The identifier of the file item.
collection_id string Always The identifier of the root item or root folder item.
type string Always Either a transcription or a translation.
language string The langauge of the text using BCP 47 language codes.
uri string Always Relative path to the source file.
source string Always Either plain or alto.
text string Always The text (plain text version).
structure object If word coordinates are known Internally build structure of the text with word coordinates.


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