Releases: LaravelDaily/laravel-charts
Releases · LaravelDaily/laravel-charts
What's Changed
- [FIX] $options['stacked'] throwing error because not set by @ITMobilityControl in #110
Full Changelog: 0.2.2...0.2.3
Small fix for bar chart.
What's Changed
- Added stacked option by @ITMobilityControl in #105
- [FIX] Not being able to set name anymore because it gets overwritten by @ITMobilityControl in #106
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.2.1
What's Changed
- Add function to return datasets by @mitulkoradiya in #86
- Frature/sonichandni add label by @sonichandni in #99
- [FTR] Add option to hide dataset by default and give pie charts a specific color per group by @ITMobilityControl in #101
Full Changelog: 0.1.29...0.2.0
Small bug fix
What's Changed
- Add syntax hightlight to readme by @lakuapik in #78
- Added proper check for format option by @kyaroslav in #82
Empty dates and Global Scopes Array
What's Changed
- Show blank data by @NathanaelGT in #76
- Update withoutGlobalScopes to accept an array by @NathanaelGT in #77
Multiple Datasets, Chart Color and Result Limit
- Includes 2 options to retrieve soft deleted models
- adding fill parameter in script
Disable Global Scopes
New parameter to disable Eloquent global scopes
Condition: Changed quotation mark
Merged PR #48