Based on AVR ATmega328 & Geiger-Muller tube M4011
License under GNU General Public License v3.0
This is a project which I spent about a week or so just for preparing for it. I used a common-found geiger tube M4011(which you can buy it cheap from China)
The whole device doesn't contain something very technical.
If you learned some stuff about the Geiger-Muller tube itself, you will see how we can calculate them, in the form of CPM, then use the data from the original datasheets to convert them in the unit of uSv/h.
Find the article on Instructables
The easist way to make this is by take a briefly look at my schematic and order PCBs and parts, which I will later show here
The board contains a High power source, which can cause EMP problem, please DO NOT use this project near people with implemented medical device! Also, this power source can be dangerous to the user, but typically it won't cause much damage, just pain(FOR REAL), so please be careful, check twice before powering the HV Source. I recommend you to use kapton to cover the bottom side, to do better isolation.
You can contact me at [email protected]