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Universal, pure-Rust client lib for layer and beyond


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CLIent for Multiple Blockchains

Universal, pure-Rust client lib for Layer and beyond

Although hosted publicly, it's intended solely for Layer and Confio projects at the moment. PRs outside the official roadmap will be rejected, and forks are strongly discouraged until all the dust settles (at which point it will become an official public project and PRs/forks will be more than welcome!)

Cargo Docs

The easiest way to get a feel for the library is to check the cargo docs. As of right now, this isn't published anywhere, so just run cargo doc --open

Wasm compatibility

All features besides pools work in browsers, including gRPC (over gRPC-web) - just enable the web feature.


Most of the types are re-exported in the prelude and can be used via the line-liner:

use layer_climb::prelude::*;


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A SigningClient needs only two things, a ChainConfig and a TxSigner:

use layer_climb::prelude::*;

SigningClient::new(chain_config, signer).await

The SigningClient is cheap to clone and also fairly cheap to create.


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This is a serde-friendly data struct and is typically loaded from disk. See the example in climb-cli


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This is a trait with only two required functions:

fn sign(&self, doc: &SignDoc) -> Result<Vec<u8>>;
fn public_key(&self) -> PublicKey;

For convenience, it can be created from a mnemonic with the provided KeySigner like:

use layer_climb::prelude::*;

// None here means "Cosmos derivation path"
let key_signer = KeySigner::new_mnemonic_str(my_mnemonic_string, None)?;

This plays nicely with the bip39 and rand Rust crates, so you can easily generate a random mnemonic and pass it to new_mnemonic_iter:

use layer_climb::prelude::*;
use bip39::Mnemonic;
use rand::Rng;

let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let entropy: [u8; 32] = rng.gen();
let mnemonic = Mnemonic::from_entropy(&entropy)?;

let signer = KeySigner::new_mnemonic_iter(mnemonic.word_iter(), None)?;

In fact, that's exactly how the generate-wallet command in climb-cli works!


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If you have a SigningClient, then a QueryClient is created for you automatically as signing_client.querier and you have the wallet address in signing_client.addr

However, often you want to make queries against other addresses for which you don't have the Signing Key

All you need for this is the ChainConfig:


The QueryClient is cheap to clone and also cheap to create (it uses a cache to re-use a global reqwest client as well as one grpc channel or client per-endpont).

The QueryClient struct is slightly different for web targets, but this is all dealt with as an abstraction, methods are the same everywhere.


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One difference compared to other clients is that we require knowing the address type. This paves the way for supporting Ethereum-style address strings throughout the client. You can construct an address manually via methods like new_cosmos(), but it's more convenient to create it via a method on ChainConfig:

let addr = chain_config.parse_address("address string")?;

A similar method exists to derive it from a public key:

let addr = chain_config.address_from_pub_key(signer.public_key())?;

The Display implementation for Address is a plain string as would typically be expected for display purposes (events, block explorers, etc.)


Generally speaking, you just call a method on the SigningClient. For example, here's how to transfer funds:

use layer_climb::prelude::*;

let amount:u128 = 1_000_000;
let recpient_addr:Address = chain_config.parse_address("address string")?; // see `Addresses` above

// use chain's native gas denom
signing_client.transfer(amount, recipient_addr, None, None).await?;
// some other denom
signing_client.transfer(amount, recipient_addr, "uusdc", None).await?;

The last None is typical for all transaction methods. It takes a TxBuilder which allows configuring per-transaction settings like the gas fee, simulation multiplier, and many more.

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Technically, you don't even need a SigningClient for transactions, a TxSigner + TxBuilder + QueryClient is enough, but this is unwieldy. When you want to change transaction defaults, it's more convenient to get a TxBuilder from the SigningClient, and pass that as a parameter to the method (it will automatically pass the TxSigner along):

let tx_builder = signing_client.tx_builder();
let tx_resp = signing_client.transfer(amount, recipient_addr, None, Some(tx_builder)).await?;

tx_resp contains the chain's native TxResponse, directly as the protobuf definition. You can log out the hash via tx_resp.txhash, or get really fancy by passing it to CosmosTxEvents.

See Contracts for contract-specific transactions

Requests / Responses

Internally, Query methods turn the arguments into a struct which implements a QueryRequest trait.

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The exact implementation here is likely to change, but it's a way to support generic middleware over all requests so we can do things like retry requests on failure, switch from grpc to rpc on any given request (not yet supported), etc. More details on this below.

As an example, calling the contract_code_info method on QueryClient creates an internal ContractCodeInfoReq struct and the actual query is implemented on that struct's request method.

This is the pattern for all queries.

Transaction messages

Transactions work in a similar way, however instead of creating an internal Request type, each method calls an internal helper to create some message, and then broadcasts the message with a TxBuilder.

This allows for calling those message-creating methods separately, and brodcasting them together in one transaction.

The TxBuilder broadcast method takes an iterator of these messages, which must be converted into a protobuf Any.


As a convenience helper to filter and search events, consider using CosmosTxEvents. It has From impls for various event sources like TxResponse, Vec<Event>, etc.

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It's a nearly zero-cost abstraction (just dynamic dispatch). Internally, it has variants with references, and so if you pass a reference source there are no allocations.

This is especially helpful for CosmWasm events, so you don't need to worry about the wasm- prefix.

Here's an example of extracting the code id from a contract upload tx:

let code_id: u64 = CosmosTxEvents::from(&tx_resp)
    .attr_first("store_code", "code_id")?


For non-wasm targets (e.g. cli tools, desktop applications, bots, etc.) - you can use pools to get robust conccurency. Under the hood it uses different derivation paths for each client instead of account sequence numbers, thereby avoiding all the issues that can come up with trying to parallelize over the same client.

The pool itself is managed by a battle-tested third-party crate, deadpool and is just plain Rust.


use layer_climb::prelude::*;
// import deadpool Pool 
use deadpool::managed::Pool;

// create a "pool manager", giving it a mnemonic, a chain config
// and an optional derivation index to start from (typically leave this as `None`)
let mut client_pool_manager = SigningClientPoolManager::new_mnemonic(mnemonic, chain_config.clone(), None);

// this part is completely optional, but highly recommended for real-world use
// it's a one-liner to set a minimum balance 
// and the pool will make sure each client has the funds before handing it out

// Minimum Balance Option 2
// make sure your "main address" (derivation index 0) has enough funds
// and just set the minimum balance
// * the 200_000 is the threshhold to tigger a send
// * the 1_000_000 is the amount that it will send when the balance falls below the threshhold 
client_pool_manager = client_pool_manager.with_minimum_balance(200_000, 1_000_000, None, None).await?;

// Minimum Balance Option 1
// give it a separate funder client, like a faucet, to send from
let faucet_signer = KeySigner::new_mnemonic_str(&faucet.mnemonic, None)?;
let faucet = SigningClient::new(chain_config, faucet_signer).await?;
client_pool_manager = client_pool_manager.with_minimum_balance(200_000, 1_000_000, Some(faucet), None).await?;

// In both of those, the last Option is just the denom
// similar to regular transfers, it will use the chain's gas denom if `None`

// anyway, with or without the "minimum balance" set, we can now create our pool
// this is just plain `deadpool`, with 100 max clients

let client_pool: Pool<SigningClientPoolManager> = Pool::builder(client_pool_manager)
.context("Failed to create client pool")?;

With the pool created, we can use it with plain Rust async concurrency primitives


/// upload 3 different contract files simultaneously
let (code_id_1, code_id_2, code_id_3) = try_join!(
        let client_pool = client_pool.clone();
        async move {
            let client = client_pool.get().await?;
            let (code_id, tx_resp) =
                client.contract_upload_file(wasm_bytes_1, None).await?;
        let client_pool = client_pool.clone();
        async move {
            let client = client_pool.get().await?;
            let (code_id, tx_resp) =
                client.contract_upload_file(wasm_bytes_2, None).await?;
        let client_pool = client_pool.clone();
        async move {
            let client = client_pool.get().await?;
            let (code_id, tx_resp) =
                client.contract_upload_file(wasm_bytes_3, None).await?;


the exact architecture here is likely to change

The QueryClient supports middleware for:

  • mapping requests
  • mapping responses
  • running request -> response

By default it runs a "runner" middleware to retry failing requests up to 3 times with a 100ms delay and exponential backoff.

The TxBuilder supports middleware for:

  • mapping TxBody (containing all the messages)
  • mapping TxResponse

By default, neither of these are set to anything.

while the middleware implementations are internally trait-based, attempting to make the middleware field on QueryClient and TxBuilder trait-based, so that third-party middleware is supported, led to some problems with the futures becoming !Send


this is very likely to change

As of right now, some methods like IBC handlers take a function to log strings, and there are also logging middleware implementations.

The reason for this was to differentiate between developer logs and user-facing logs and due to the origins of this crate as it was embedded in an application, as opposed to the library it is now.

This will likely move to tracing and also decorate the library with tracing instrumention everywhere.


this is very likely to change

As of right now, errors are merely emitted as anyhow strings. While convenient for quick development, it makes error recovery nearly impossible. Most likely this will move to thiserror.


There are convenient methods for client, connection, and channel handshakes

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With the handshake completed, we can create a fully-functioning IBC relayer:

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The IbcRelayer type is constructed from a IbcRelayerBuilder. This allows for having a cache that can be re-used across instances, while also mutating the cache when starting up so that expired clients can be recreated.

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The ergonomics of this relayer are intended to support the use-case of relaying over preconfigured ports, not necessarily assuming that the ibc clients are maintained by the ecosystem such as ICS-20 on a popular mainnet.

note: the relayer has been tested to complete packets from one chain to another, but there is currently an unresolved bug with relaying contract responses. It's recommended to use this only for simple testing, maintained relayers that are used at scale like Hermes or IBC-Relayer should be used in production


Interacting with contracts is straightforward. Transactions (like instantiate, execute, etc.) are on SigningClient, and queries (like "smart queries" and "contract info") are on QueryClient

Let's look at some examples. For the sake of brevity, let's assume we already have a SigningClient called client, and let's assume our contract has the following types:

pub struct InstantiateMsg { }

pub enum ExecuteMsg {
    StashMessage {
        message: String

pub enum QueryMsg {
    /// * returns [MessagesResp]
    GetMessages {
        after_index: Option<Uint64>,
        order: Option<Order>

pub struct MessagesResp {
    pub messages: Vec<String>,

Contract Upload

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use layer_climb::prelude::*;

let wasm_byte_code = tokio::fs::read(wasm_file).await?;
let (code_id, tx_resp) = client.contract_upload_file(wasm_byte_code, None).await?;

The code_id in that response is a u64, and the tx_resp is the protobuf TxResponse mentioned above in Transactions

Contract Instantiation

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Now that we have a code_id, let's instantiate a contract:

use layer_climb::prelude::*;

let (addr, tx_resp) = client
        client.addr.clone(), // admin
        "my contract", // label 
        &InstantiateMsg {},
        Vec::new(), // optional funds

Contract Execution

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Now that we have a contract addr, let's execute a message:

use layer_climb::prelude::*;

let tx_resp = client.contract_execute(
    &ExecuteMsg::StashMessage {
        message: "hello world".to_string()
    Vec::new(), // optional funds

Sending funds is made easier with the new_coin() helper, and if you have multiple coins, use new_coins():

use layer_climb::prelude::*;

let tx_resp = client.contract_execute(
    &ExecuteMsg::StashMessage {
        message: "hello world".to_string()
    vec![new_coin("uslay", 1_000_000)],

Contract Query

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Now that we've executed something on the contract, let's query it. Notice that this is a method on the QueryClient, meaning we don't actually need a SigningClient - but we'll just use the one we have:

use layer_climb::prelude::*;

let query_resp:MessagesResp = client.querier.contract_smart(
    &QueryMsg::GetMessages {
        after_index: None, 
        order: None 

The response is typechecked at runtime via serde_json (well, actually the cosmwasm_std implementation, to make sure it's 100% compatible with smart contracts), and from then on we get perfect guarantees that the response is what we expect.

What if we wanted to get it as a raw string instead? Just call the .contract_smart_raw_response() method:

use layer_climb::prelude::*;

use layer_climb::prelude::*;

let raw_bytes = client.querier.contract_smart_raw(
    &QueryMsg::GetMessages {
        after_index: None, 
        order: None 

let raw_string = std::str::from_utf8(&raw_bytes)?;

Generic Messages

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Sometimes, especially with tooling that isn't project-specific, we want to send contract messages without knowing the type at all.

Under the hood, this is done by serializing as a JSON-formatted string, and for CosmWasm contracts, we send "{}" instead of null for "empty messages". This is all made easier with the contract_str_to_msg helper. Some examples:

use layer_climb::prelude::*;

// Example execution
let tx_resp = client.contract_execute(
    &contract_str_to_msg("{\"stash_message\": {\"message\": \"hello world\"}}")?,
    None, // optional funds

// Example query
let raw_bytes = client.querier.contract_smart_raw(
    &contract_str_to_msg("{\"get_messages\": {}}")?
let raw_string = std::str::from_utf8(&raw_bytes)?;

// bonus: given this input from a CLI tool, we can handle it all with .as_deref()
let maybe_message:Option<String>;

let tx_resp = client.contract_execute(
    None, // optional funds


Universal, pure-Rust client lib for layer and beyond







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