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LearningKijo authored Jan 5, 2024
1 parent 087c54e commit d293761
Showing 1 changed file with 304 additions and 0 deletions.
304 changes: 304 additions & 0 deletions Tools/MDE-TesterIoC.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
param (

# Create the MDE-tester directory if it doesn't exist
$testerDirectory = "C:\MDE-tester"
if (-not (Test-Path $testerDirectory -PathType Container)) {
New-Item -Path $testerDirectory -ItemType Directory

# Get the current date and time in the specified format
$dateSuffix = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmm"

# Construct the file name with the date suffix
$outputFileName = "{0}-LOG.txt" -f $dateSuffix
$outputFilePath = Join-Path $testerDirectory $outputFileName

# Save the original output stream (e.g., Console)
$originalOutput = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor

# Redirect output to the text file
Start-Transcript -Path $outputFilePath -Append

# MDE Tester banner
Write-Host "+=====================================================================================================+`n"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "███╗░░░███╗██████╗░███████╗  ████████╗███████╗░██████╗████████╗███████╗██████╗░"
Write-Host "████╗░████║██╔══██╗██╔════╝  ╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗"
Write-Host "██╔████╔██║██║░░██║█████╗░░  ░░░██║░░░█████╗░░╚█████╗░░░░██║░░░█████╗░░██████╔╝"
Write-Host "██║╚██╔╝██║██║░░██║██╔══╝░░  ░░░██║░░░██╔══╝░░░╚═══██╗░░░██║░░░██╔══╝░░██╔══██╗"
Write-Host "██║░╚═╝░██║██████╔╝███████╗  ░░░██║░░░███████╗██████╔╝░░░██║░░░███████╗██║░░██║"
Write-Host "╚═╝░░░░░╚═╝╚═════╝░╚══════╝  ░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝╚═════╝░░░░╚═╝░░░╚══════╝╚═╝░░╚═╝"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host " By Kijo Ninja (@kj_ninja25)"
Write-Host " Version : 1.0.0"

# : MDE Tester introduction
$intro = @"
MDE Tester is designed to help testing various features in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
'MDEtesterIoC.ps1' is intended to assist in testing the following features:
- Microsoft Defender SmartScreen
- Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard, Network Protection
- Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, URL Indicators

Write-Host "`n"
Write-Host $intro

# Check each status(prerequisite) for testing
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "+=====================================================================================================+"
Write-Host "Checking device configuration..."
Write-Host ""

# MDE Sensor status
try {
$MDEservice = Get-Service -Name "Sense" -ErrorAction Stop
$MDEstatus = $MDEservice.Status

if ($MDEstatus -eq "Running") {
Write-Host "[1] Microsoft Defender for Endpoint : [OK] Onboard" -ForegroundColor Green
} elseif ($MDEstatus -eq "Stopped") {
Write-Host "[1] Microsoft Defender for Endpoint : [NO] Not Onboard" -ForegroundColor Red
$MDENotRunning = $true
} catch {
Write-Host "[E] Microsoft Defender for Endpoint : [NO] No Sense found" -ForegroundColor Red
$MDENotRunning = $true

# MDE Network Protection status
try {
$NPvalue = (Get-MpPreference).EnableNetworkProtection

if ($NPvalue -eq 1) {
Write-Host "[2] MDE Network Protection : [OK] Enabled" -ForegroundColor Green
} elseif ($NPvalue -eq 0) {
Write-Host "[2] MDE Network Protection : [NO] Disabled" -ForegroundColor Red
$NPDisabled = $true
} elseif ($NPvalue -eq 2) {
Write-Host "[2] MDE Network Protection : [OK] Audit" -ForegroundColor Green
} catch [System.Exception] {
Write-Host "[E] MDE Network Protection : [NO] The status is unknown." -ForegroundColor Red
$NPDisabled = $true

# Defender SmartScreen status
$SSValuePath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge"
$SmartScreenEnabledPathExists = Test-Path $SSValuePath

# If Edge SmartScreenEnabled path exists
if ($SmartScreenEnabledPathExists) {
$SSvalue = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $SSValuePath -Name "SmartScreenEnabled"

# Display messages based on the Edge SmartScreenEnabled status
if ($SSvalue -eq 1) {
Write-Host "[3] Microsoft Defender SmartScreen : [OK] Enabled" -ForegroundColor Green
} else {
Write-Host "[3] Microsoft Defender SmartScreen : [NO] Disabled" -ForegroundColor Red
$SmartScreenDisabled = $true
} else {
# Display messages when Edge registry key was found due to non GPO/Intune policy management
Write-Host "[W] Microsoft Defender SmartScreen : [NO] Path not found or inaccessible." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "If the device was not managed by GPO or Intune, the registry key path won't be found by this script." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "In order to make sure Edge Defender SmartScreen is enabled, please check Edge browser settings." -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host ""

# Check if any of the conditions are met to stop the script
if ($MDENotRunning) {
Write-Host "[Action] Onboarding Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on the device is a prerequisite to run this script."
Write-Host "--- END ---"
} elseif ($NPDisabled -and $SmartScreenDisabled) {
Write-Host "[Action] Enabling Network Protection or SmartScreen is a prerequisite to run this script."
Write-Host "--- END ---"

Write-Host "+=====================================================================================================+`n"

#ASR Network Protection : Test
Write-Host "=> MDE, Network Protection : Test in Chrome "

function Process-Url {
param (

Write-Host "$message ...Processing in Chrome"

try {
# Open Chrome process for the current URL and wait for it to exit
Start-Process chrome.exe -ArgumentList $url

Write-Host "[Success] $url" -ForegroundColor Green
} catch {
# Handle exceptions (display error message) - Mostly Chrome was not installed
Write-Host "[Error] occurred while processing $url in Chrome" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

# Network Protection URL
$url = ""
Process-Url -url $url -message "[1] Network Protection URL"

# Network Protection C2C URL
$url = ""
Process-Url -url $url -message "[2] Network Protection C2C URL"

Write-Host ""

# Microsoft Defender SmartScreen : Test
Write-Host "=> Microsoft Defender SmartScreen : Test in Edge"

# Function to process Microsoft Defender SmartScreen URLs and display the result
function Process-Url {
param (

Write-Host "$message ...Processing in Edge"

try {
# Open Edge process for the current URL
$edgeProcess = Start-Process msedge.exe -ArgumentList $url -PassThru

# Display the specific message based on the keyword
Write-Host "[Success] $url" -ForegroundColor Green
} catch {
# Handle exceptions (display error message)
Write-Host "[Error] occurred while processing $url in Edge" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

# Phishing URL
$url = ""
Process-Url -url $url -message "[3] Phishing URL"

# Malware URL
$url = ""
Process-Url -url $url -message "[4] Malware URL"

# Untrusted URL
$url = ""
Process-Url -url $url -message "[5] Untrusted URL"

# Exploit URL
$url = ""
Process-Url -url $url -message "[6] Exploit URL"

Write-Host ""

# MDE IoC URL : Test
Write-Host "=> MDE URL Indicators : Test in Edge & Chrome"

# Initialize the counter
$counter = 7

if (Test-Path $Path) {
# Read URLs from the CSV file
$urlList = Import-Csv $Path | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IndicatorValue

# Check if the Edge browser process is already running
$edgeProcess = Get-Process -name msedge -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Check if the Chrome browser process is already running
$chromeProcess = Get-Process -name chrome -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# If the Edge browser is not running, start it
if ($null -eq $edgeProcess) {
Start-Process msedge
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 # Wait a bit for the browser to start

# If the Chrome browser is not running, start it
if ($null -eq $chromeProcess) {
try {
Start-Process chrome
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 # Wait a bit for the browser to start
} catch {
# Handle exceptions (display error message) - Mostly Chrome was not installed
# Write-Host "[Error] No chrome process found to start" -ForegroundColor Red

# Open the Edge browser for each URL
foreach ($url in $urlList) {
Write-Host "[$counter] URL Indicators ...Processing in Edge"

# Access the URL in Edge
Start-Process msedge $url
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 # Wait a bit between accessing each URL

# Display a success message with the counter incremented
Write-Host "[Success] $url" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

try {
Write-Host "[$counter] URL Indicators ...Processing in Chrome"

# Access the URL in Chrome
Start-Process chrome $url
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 # Wait a bit between accessing each URL

# Display a success message with the counter incremented
Write-Host "[Success] $url" -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

} catch {
# Handle exceptions (display error message)
Write-Host "[Error] occurred while processing $url in Chrome" -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

else {
Write-Host "[Error] CSV File not found: $Path" -ForegroundColor Red

Write-Host ""

$LearningKijo = @"
| In order to check the detailed logs, you can track all activities in Advanced Hunting, Microsoft Defender XDR. |
| Here are the out-of-the-box KQL queries for threat hunting. |
| |
| [1] MDE URL Indicators "Block" |
| |
| |
| [2] MDE URL Indicators "Warn" |
| |
| |
| [3] MDE Network Protection |
| |
| |
| [4] Microsoft Defender SmartScreen |
| |
| |
| ---- END ---- |
| Thank you, Kijo Ninja |

Write-Host $LearningKijo

Write-Host ""

# Close transcript and restore the original output stream
$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $originalOutput


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