This project is a web developer portfolio built with Astro and deployed to a hosting service like vercel or netlify or cloudflare.
Clone the repository. Install the dependencies.
npm install
Start the development server.
npm run dev
Start editing the code!
Start with src/layouts/Layout.astro to set site description, title, and URL above the markup. Then start building out components for work and projects in src/components/
and pages in src/pages/
. Use the ones I left as a starting point. Make sure to update your social links in src/components/Social.astro
and provide a URL in src/components/Contact.astro
. Most of the rest of the information lives on src/pages/index.astro
This section is src/components/CustomImageScroll.astro
and can be updated above the markup in the JSON object called cards. Images should be placed in src/assets/
so Astro can optimize them! This section is responsive and assumes a 16:9 aspect ratio for the images with a row count of 6 (so 12 total images) before the CSS fades out and loops. The anaimation for this is in tailwind.config.mjs
and can be adjusted there.