This is a Link-Sharing App built using a modern web development stack including React, Tailwind CSS, and various React extensions for the frontend, along with a Flask API powered by PostgreSQL for the backend. The app is hosted on AWS.
The Link-Sharing App is a full-stack application that allows users to create, save, and share links. The frontend is built with React, Tailwind CSS for styling, and several React extensions. The backend is a RESTful API built with Flask and PostgreSQL, and the app is hosted on AWS for scalability and performance.
- React (with various extensions such as React Router, Redux, Framer, Query etc.)
- Tailwind CSS (for styling)
- Vite (as a fast development build tool)
- Flask (Python-based backend framework)
- PostgreSQL (Relational database)
- SQLAlchemy (ORM for interacting with the database)
- AWS (Amazon Web Services: S3, EC2, RDS, etc.)
- User authentication and registration.
- Create, edit, and delete link groups.
- Share link groups with other users.
- Track the number of clicks.
- Change the visibility of the links group like colors.
- Search and Filter function on the homepage.
- Responsive design (mobile and desktop friendly).
- Server-side API for CRUD operations.
- Secure database storage using PostgreSQL.
- Hosted on AWS for high availability and scalability.