Check the main project here
If you want to connect to channels with your devices, then this is the right place for you!
First get the code from here and check the authentication section for creating a JWT Token
After getting the token, initialize the SDK with:
ChannelsSDK.initialize(context, "wss://server_url:port","AppID", "your_jwt_Token");
This should connect to the server if both ulr and credentials are right.
To get the client channels you can retrieve the channels that are public or the ones that are private. To do that just use the following:
.getPublicChannels(new GetChannelsCallback() { // For Private just replace the word public
public void onSuccess(List<ChannelInfo> channelInfos) {
// Here you get your channels information
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
// In case an error happens
With the ChannelInfo
you can get a Channel
, with the static method Channel.fromChannelInfo(ChannelInfo)
We will see what you can do with it in a second.
You can know you when lost access to a channel for received with:
ChannelsSDK.setChannelsListener(new ChannelsListener() {
public void onChannelRemoved(String channelID) {
// When your remove a client from a channel
public void onChannelAdded(String channelID) {
// When you add a channel to a client
The object Channel
is the object you will use the most, with it you can subscribe, publish, get other clients presence and get events.
First, in order to get a instance you can use the ChannelInfo
you get from getPublicChannels()
or getPrivateChannels()
with Channel.fromChannelInfo(ChannelInfo)
, or after you get the public or private channels you can get one with ChannelsSDK.getChannel("channelID");
, if none is found it will return null!
!> Please don't try to create an instance out of the ways we provide, but in case you do register it with ChannelsHandler.getInstance().registerChannel(channel);
or you won't receive any updates.
Once you have a Channel
you subscribe with:
m_channel.subscribe(new ChannelListener() {
public void onPublishAcknowledge(RequestAcknowledge requestAcknowledge) {
// When you publick with ACK enabled
public void onSubscribed() {
// Callback so you know when you are subscribed
public void onChannelEvent(ChannelEvent event) {
// When your receive a message
public void onRemoved() {
// When you lost access to a channel
For a channel
with presence enabled you have another callback, a long one!
m_channel.setPresenceListener(new ChannelPresenceListener() {
public void onClientJoinChannel(ClientJoin clientJoin) {
// When a user is added to a channel
public void onClientLeaveChannel(ClientLeave clientLeave) {
// When a user is removed from a channel
public void onOnlineStatusUpdate(OnlineStatusUpdate onlineStatusUpdate) {
// You receive an event when a client goes online or offline
// And you can get the all the presence information with:
Map<String, ClientPresenceStatus> presenceStatusMap = m_channel.getPresences();
// The key in the map is the ClientID
public void onInitialStatusUpdate() {
// After you subscribe to a channel, the channel should send it's
// Current presence state to you
// When you get it, this 'little' call is called and here you can get presences with:
Map<String, ClientPresenceStatus> presenceStatusMap = m_channel.getPresences();
You should this set this listener before subscribing but you still can get the presence status with the
To publish messages is simple as:
m_channel.publish("event_type", "any_payload", true);
/* Set to true when you want to get a confirmation */
!> Important: If your event doesn't request a confirmation, Channels
will consider that the event is not important to store on channels with persistence enabled!
Check the docs and project here:
For getting events it's as simple as:
You can check other types of getting events on the section Synchronization
ChannelsSDK.getChannelLastEvents("channelID", 20 /* Amount */, new GetChannelEventsCallback() {
public void onSuccess(List<ChannelEvent> events) {
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
m_channel.getLastEvents(10 /* Amount */, new GetChannelEventsCallback() {
public void onSuccess(List<ChannelEvent> events) {
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {