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Ryan C edited this page Jun 26, 2018 · 1 revision


Default format when saving in a single file:

  • This option controls the default file type selected in the Save In Archive As dialog box. The file type can also be changed at any time in the dialog itself.
  • The file type specified in the standard Save As dialog box is not affected by this option.

When saving complete web page contents: This option controls which method is used to find all the web resources (images, styles, sub-frames, ...) that are included in the web page being saved.

  1. Take an exact snapshot. (default) This option provides the most accurate save mode. It captures the current state of the page and creates an exact replica, including the current values of form fields and video and audio embedded in the page. This save mode works especially well for pages that make extensive use of scripts or use dynamic technologies like AJAX. The resulting page will be static, as scripts are disabled by the save operation to preserve the integrity of the result when it is displayed again. If you need to keep scripts, you can enable the intergated Save Complete component from the internal configuration settings.

  2. Use browser's standard save system. With this setting, the web pages are saved by the browser. How much of the web page is actually saved depends on the version of the browser being used. When this option is enabled, Mozilla Archive Format will not be able to create MHTML files according to the original specification. Other browsers will not be able to display a properly formatted page, in particular if the saved page contains nested CSS style sheets or inner frames.

Note that the selected method of saving is used not only when saving archives, but also when saving complete pages using the Web Page, complete file type.



When an archived page is opened:

  • You can control which notifications are displayed to access additional information about an archived page.
  1. Show icon in the location bar When viewing a page that is saved in an archive, an icon in the location bar will appear, allowing an information panel to be opened. The icon is hidden during normal browsing.
  2. Display an information bar Every time an archived page is opened, an information bar will appear showing the original location, as well as the date and time the page was saved. The information bar can be closed, and it will not reappear until the page is reloaded.

Show MozArchiver menu items in:

  • You can select which menus will display the Mozilla Archive Format items. These items open a special Save In Archive As dialog. They are useful if you routinely use the standard Save As dialog to save only the text of a page, and need a separate option to save a page in an archive without changing the selection in the file type drop down list.



You can use the links in this options pane to launch the Saved Pages Conversion Wizard, to refresh file associations on Windows, or to visit the official web site.

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