A tool for Unreal Engine 4 which allows to spawn Instanced Meshes / Actors / Decals along a spline in the editor. The spline's points can snap to the environment and the objects can be aligned to the surface.
Create a Plugins folder into your project and paste the folder SplineObjects which is located into ToExport/Plugins/.
Now you can create some Spline Objects Actors.
You can find some examples of the use in the Spline-Objects-Tool-UE4 project scenes.
- Type - To select the current object.
- Close - To close the spline.
- Follow Direction - Each object changes their rotation corresponding to the spline's direction.
- Inverse Direction - To invert the spline's direction. (Only works when Follow Direction is checked)
- Is Snapping - Points Of the spline snap to the nearest StaticMesh.
- Is Align to surface - Each object Align to surface. (Only works when Is Snapping is checked)
- Snapping Radius - Radius to dectect the nearest StaticMesh. (Only works when Is Snapping is checked)
- Space - Space between each object.
- Has One Unique Material - To use Decal Material for all Decals.
- Is Descending - To spawn Decals in Descending Order.
- Is In Random Order - To spawn Decals in Random Order.
- Decals - To add new Decal in the array.
- Decal Material - One Unique Material. (Only works when Has One Unique Material is checked)
- Has One Unique Material - To use Static Mesh Material for all Static Meshes.
- Is Descending - To spawn Static meshes in Descending Order.
- Is In Random Order - To spawn Static meshes in Random Order.
- Static Meshes - To add new static mesh in the array.
- Static Mesh Material - One Unique Material. (Only works when Has One Unique Material is checked)
- Is Descending - To spawn Actors in Descending Order.
- Is In Random Order - To spawn Actors in Random Order.
- Blueprint Actors - To add new Actor in the array.
- Constant - To spawn objects with the same offset.
- Random in range - To spawn objects with a random offset between two values.
- Using Curve - To spawn objects with an offset corresponding to a curve.
- Constant - To spawn objects with the same rotation.
- Lerp in Range - To spawn objects with a rotation lerping from min to max value.
- Random in range - To spawn objects with a random rotation between two values.
- Using Curve - To spawn objects with a rotation corresponding to a curve.
- Constant - To spawn objects with the same scale.
- Lerp in Range - To spawn objects with a scale lerping from min to max value.
- Random in range - To spawn objects with a random scale between two values.
- Using Curve - To spawn objects with a scale corresponding to a curve.
- Disable Visual - To disable Visual if the spline is too long (to not spawn objects each frame).
- Show arrows - To display arrow components in the editor view.
- Color Direction - To change color for the directionnal arrow.
- Color Normal - To change color for the normal surface arrow.
- Size - To change arrow size.
- Add Spline Meshes.
- Add multiple materials for each InstancedStaticMeshes.