A page with several links about custom control, tips, and post about .NET MAUI
Search for the component you want, example: Entry, Logs, Calendar
- NLog.Targets.MauiLog - Logs
- MetroLog - Logs
- Plugin.Maui.ScreenSecurity - Screen Security
- InputKit - CheckBox, RadioButton, Advanced Entry, SelectionView/Chips, AutoCompleteEntry/AutoSuggestBox, DropDown/ComboBox, Slider
- MauiEx - AutoCompleteEntry/AutoSuggestBox
- NullableDateTimePicker - Custom Calendar
- Plugin.LocalNotification - Show Local Notification
- Sharpnado.Tabs - Custom Tabs
- Shiny - BluetoothLE, BluetoothLE HOSTING, Jobs, Locations, Beacons, Local Notifications, Push Notifications
- Bluetooth LE - BluetoothLE
- Material.Components.Maui - Button, IconButton, Card, CheckBox, Chip, ComboBox, ContextMenu, FAB, Label, NavigationBar, NavigationDrawer, Popup, ProgressIndicator, RadioButton, SplitView, Switch, Tabs, TextField, WrapLayout
- LiveCharts2 - Charts
- Maui.StateButton - State Button
- Maui.Switch - Custom Switch
- UraniumUI - ContentPage, Content View, ExpanderView, Validations, Dialogs, Icons, Blur Effects, Elevations, ButtonView, Buttons, TextField , EditorField (entry), AutoComplete, Picker, MultiplePicker, TimePicker, DatePicker, CheckBox, RadioButtom, Divider, Backdrop. Bottom Sheet, Datagrid, Treeview, TabView, Containers
- Maui.Breadcrumb - Breadcrumb
- Maui.FreakyControls - Pickers, TextInput (Entry), InputViews, ImageViews, SignatureView, CheckBoxes, RadioButtons, Buttons, JumpList (List A-Z), PinView
- Maui.FreakyEffects - Skeleton, TouchTracking
- FunctionZero.Maui.Controls - ListView, TreeView, MaskView
- LocalizationResourceManager.Maui - Localization
- MaterialDesignControls - MaterialButton, MaterialChips & MaterialChipsGroup, MaterialDatePicker, MaterialEditor, MaterialEntry, MaterialCodeEntry, MaterialField, MaterialPicker, MaterialDoublePicker, MaterialSelection, MaterialTimePicker, MaterialRating, MaterialSlider, MaterialSegmented, MaterialDivider, MaterialRadioButtons, MaterialFloatingButton, MaterialCheckbox, MaterialSwitch, MaterialTopAppBar, MaterialProgressIndicator, MaterialLabel, MaterialBadge, MaterialNavigationDrawer, MaterialCustomControl, MaterialSearch, MaterialIconButton, MaterialSnackBar, MaterialDialog, MaterialCard, MaterialBottomSheet, TouchAndPressEffect
- XCeed - Chart, ColorCanvas (Select Color), Switch, Expander, TextBox(Entry), MaskedTextBox, ToggleSwitch, FilePicker, CheckBox, Border, Button, ToggleButton, RepeatButton, NumericUpDown, ContentControl, ButtonSpinner, Card
- ImageCropper.Maui - Cropping Image, Rotating image, Aspect ratio, Circle/Rectangle shape
- AppoMobi.Maui.DrawnUi.Demo - Skia Controls, Cards, Popups, Button, Carousel
- Plugin.Maui.CircularProgressBar - Circular ProgressBar
- AiForms.Maui.SettingsView - This is a flexible TableView specialized in settings for Android / iOS.
- BarcodeScanner.Mobile - Barcode, Scanner
- AlohaKit - Avatar (Graphics), BarChart (Graphics), Button (Graphics), BusyIndicator (Graphics), CheckBox (Graphics), LinearGauge (Graphics), LineChart (Graphics), MultiBarChart (Graphics), MultiLineChart (Graphics), PulseIcon (Graphics), ProgressBar (Graphics), ProgressRadial (Graphics), Rating (Graphics), Slider (Graphics), ToggleSwitch (Graphics)
- AlohaKit UI - Canvas and Figma
- AvaloniaMauiHybrid.Controls - Calendar from Avalonia
- AlohaKit.Components - Cupertino, Fluent and Material drawn Controls with high performance and 100% customizable - Switch
- Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Controls - Pixel-Perfect Drawn Controls - Button, CheckBox, DatePicker, Editor, Entry, ProgressBar, RadioButton, Slider, Stepper, Switch, TimePicker
- AlohaKit Animations - Animations: Color, FadeTo, Flip, Heart, Jump, Rotate, Scale, Shake, Translate, Turnstile
- AlohaKit Layouts - CircularLayout, DockLayout, UniformGrid, UniformGrid, WrapLayout
- Aptabase.Maui - Analytics for .NET MAUI Apps. 100% Open Source, Privacy-Friendly and Simple.
- 2022
- .Net MAUI Sep
- Building a Rating Control for .NET MAUI
- F1TV app in .NET MAUI
- .NET MAUI UI July: Outlook Clone (goforgoldman.com)
- Snnpts
- Replicate a bank application UI using .NET MAUI
- Replicating Pet Adoption UI in .NET MAUI
- Creating a TreeView in .NET MAUI
- MAUI Planets Part 1
- Binding Lottie in MAUI
- Combining Lottie Animations with Gestures and Scrolling
- MAUI Planets Part 2
- Catering to Desktop and Mobile with .NET MAUI
- Discord UI in .NET MAUI
- Making a Time Zone Picker Control for .NET MAUI
- Creating a countdown button for .NET MAUI
- Building a Draw Something clone in .NET MAUI
- MAUI vs Flutter
- Create a Simple Rating Control
- Bottom Sheet Control in .NET MAUI
- MetroLog.Maui
- Using MAUI.Graphics to build charts
- MAUI Blazor Template
- 2023
- Play Audio and Video in .NET MAUI apps with the new MediaElement
- Windows Sizing & Positioning in .NET MAUI
- Build, Debug, & Deploy iOS Apps from Windows with C#, Visual Studio, & .NET MAUI - with/without Mac
- OCR in .NET MAUI: Building an Image Processing Application
- Replicating a Cruise Travel App UI in .NET MAUI
- MAUI — Playing MP3 Files
- Image Scaling in .NET MAUI
- Photo capturing options for your .NET MAUI app
- Creating Markdown control with .NET MAUI Graphics
- Learn Performing Animation in .NET MAUI: Part 1 - Lottie
- Learn Performing Animation in .NET MAUI: Part 2
- Translate Your .NET MAUI App with LocalizationResourceManager.Maui
- A Drag And Drop Performant CollectionView for MAUI
- Dynamic configuration in .NET MAUI application
- Customize controls with .NET MAUI using PlatformViewFactory
- Customize controls with handlers with .NET MAUI
- Spice 🌶, a spicy cross-platform UI framework!
- .NET Frontend Day 2023
- Develop .NET MAUI Apps in VS Code with .NET Meteor - LINUX/MAC/WINDOWS
- Adding Video in .NET MAUI Apps with the New MediaElement
- Material.Components.Maui
- A Maui blog about MVVM and tips
- Maui.BottomSheet is a .NET MAUI library used to display pages as Bottom Sheets.
- .NET MAUI Core Concepts - .NET MAUI Project Structure
- .NET MAUI Core Concepts - Arrange elements using StackLayout
- .NET MAUI clone of the Wonderous app - a visual showcase of eight wonders of the world made with Flutter by the team at gskinner.
- .Net MAUI Mar
- .Net MAUI Apr
- AvaloniaMauiHybrid.Controls - CALENDAR Avalonia with MAUI
- Controls like TreeView and ListView
- MauiFeed - Cross-platform Feed Reader, supporting RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds
- Maui.FreakyEffects is a collection of lightweight, visually stunning and unique effects for Maui, it contains a variety of effects that you can use to add some creativity to your Maui applications.