Bookffee is a website to search for books, which allows you to know their prices and synopses, as well as being able to filter them by genre, popularity and date.
- HTML5.
- CSS3.
- JavaScript (ECMAScript).
- Node.js / Express.js.
- Bootstrap 5.
- Google Books API.
- EJS.
- You have to run a server (deploying or a local one).
- You can select the port on which you want to do this by modifying the
file, using the.env-example
file as a base.
- You can select the port on which you want to do this by modifying the
- Once you set the port, you can run the server by typing in the command line "npm run start" to run the app.js file with Node.js, or "npm run dev" to do it with Nodemon.
Pull requests are welcome.
So if you have an idea on how to improve this repository, I will appreciate the opening of an issue to check the change you want to make.
- Skull icon: FreePick (Flaticon).
- Book icon: Roundicons Premium (Flaticon).