Twitter bot that turns comment chains into ace attorney scenes. Inspired by and using Currently being executed on @aceCourtBot
Check also the Telegram, Discord and Reddit bots!
- Everything included in /objection_engine/
- Twitter Credentials.
Clone the repository with submodules
git clone --recursive
Install dependencies of this repo. Refer to objection engine's install instructions for any problems you may encounter
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy keys-dummy.json into keys.json and fill the required settings with the access keys you should've obtained from Twitter's Developer portal
Start the project
In Linux it may be a bit harder to set the enviorenment properly. More specifically it may be hard to install required codecs. If having a codec problem (like "couldn't find codec for id 27") you may need to compile ffmpeg and opencv by yourself. You should be good using these guides (tested on Ubuntu with success and on Debian without success)
By default Mongita is used for easier deployment, but administrators can opt in to use full MongoDB. Set the environment variable ACE_MONGODB=URL
for this and make sure MongoDB is reachable in said URL
Since this is a tiny project we don't have strict rules about contributions. Just open a Pull Request to fix any of the project issues or any improvement you have percieved on your own. Any contributions which improve or fix the project will be accepted as long as they don't deviate too much from the project objectives. If you have doubts about whether the PR would be accepted or not you can open an issue before coding to ask for my opinion