Fixer-IO-Sharp is a simple library that allows you to get currency information.
The library is powered by fixer.io and currencies are pulled from the European Central Bank
I offer absolutely no warranty for the data return by the API as the data is not my own.
Using the defaults will use Euro as the base currency and will not filter rates
var client = new FixerIOClient();
To change the base currency or filter the symbols, just set the properties.
The below example will set the base currency to US Dollars and will only show rates for Euros and South African Rands
var client = new FixerIOClient()
BaseCurrency = "USD",
Symbols = new[]{ "EUR", "ZAR" }
var result = client.GetLatest();
result.Rates; // Rates (Dictionary<string, decimal>)
var result = client.GetRatesForDate(new DateTime(2010, 01, 01));
result.Rates; // Rates (Dictionary<string, decimal>)
Please feel free but first read the docs for the API http://fixer.io/ and check Github issues.
Developed by Luke Warren
Blog at lukewarrendev.co.za
Twitter: @lukejkwarren