This is a chat-bot that stores tasks and performs various operations to the tasks. Given below are instructions on how to use it.
Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
1. Adding a todo: todo
Adds a task of type todo to the task list.
Format: todo TASK_NAME
todo borrow book
2. Adding a deadline: deadline
Adds a task of type deadline to the task list.
Format: deadline TASK_NAME /by DEADLINE
deadline return book /by Sunday
3. Adding a event: event
Adds a task of type event to the task list.
Format: event TASK_NAME /from START_TIME /to END_TIME
event project meeting /from Mon 2pm /to 4pm
4. Viewing all tasks: list
Shows a list of all the added tasks.
Format: list
5. Mark a task as done: mark
Marks the specified task as completed.
Format: mark TASK_INDEX
mark 2
6. Mark a task as undone: unmark
Marks the specified task a incompleted.
Format: unmark TASK_INDEX
unmark 2
7. Delete a task from list: delete
Removes the specified task from the list.
Format: delete TASK_INDEX
delete 3
8. End the session: bye
Exits the program.
Format: bye
Tasks data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.
There is no need to save manually.