A Java Wrapper for the Université de Lorraine "mULti" web application GQL API (multi.univ-lorraine.fr)
First, you will need to authenticate to GitHub Packages to be able to download the package.
⚠️ Warning: This step is very important, please read the documentation carefully. You'll need to create a personal access token with theread:packages
Authentication is different depending on the build tool you use, here are the links to the documentation:
- Add the following to your pom.xml repositories section:
- And to the dependencies section:
- Add the following to your build.gradle repositories section:
repositories {
maven {
name = "GitHubPackages"
url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/MAXOUXAX/mULti4J")
credentials {
username = project.findProperty("gpr.user") ?: System.getenv("USERNAME")
password = project.findProperty("gpr.key") ?: System.getenv("TOKEN")
- And to the dependencies section:
dependencies {
implementation 'me.maxouxax.multi4j:multi4j:1.0.0'
The wiki / documentation is available here