1- Copy and paste RecipeBuilder.java
2- Create your recipe. Example:
//First paremeter is main plugin class, second is NameSpaceKey and last is resut
ShapedRecipe recipe = new RepiceBuilder(this, "test", new ItemStack(Material.NETHER_STAR))
//First paremeter item and secon is column
.addIngredientsToColumn(Material.DIRT, 1)
3- Add recipe to server in OnEnable
. Example:
public void onEnable() {
ShapedRecipe recipe = new RepiceBuilder(this, "test", new ItemStack(Material.NETHER_STAR))
.addIngredientsToColumn(Material.DIRT, 1)
ShapedRecipe recipe = new RepiceBuilder(this, "test", new ItemStack(Material.NETHER_STAR))
.addIngredient(Material.DIRT, 1)
ShapedRecipe recipe = new RepiceBuilder(this, "test", new ItemStack(Material.NETHER_STAR))
.addIngredientsToRow(Material.DIRT, 1)