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Merge pull request #3260 from pzinn/main
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Various output routine updates
  • Loading branch information
DanGrayson committed May 27, 2024
2 parents 05b4db9 + 72fdf21 commit aa1cd3a
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Showing 5 changed files with 100 additions and 21 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions M2/Macaulay2/m2/expressions.m2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -476,6 +476,7 @@ expression ZZ := i -> (
else if i < 0 then new Minus from { -i }
else hold i
OneExpression ^ Expression :=
Holder ^ OneExpression :=
Expression ^ OneExpression := (x,y) -> x
Holder ^ ZeroExpression :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -855,7 +856,7 @@ net Sum := v -> (
then bigParenthesize net v#i
else net v#i))))

isNumber = method(TypicalValue => Boolean)
isNumber = method(Dispatch => Thing, TypicalValue => Boolean)
isNumber Thing := i -> false
isNumber RR :=
isNumber QQ := -- QQ never appears in an expression...
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1104,7 +1105,7 @@ texMathSuperscript := v -> (
x := texMath v#0;
y := texMath v#1;
if precedence v#0 < p or class v#0 === Superscript or class v#0 === Power then x = "\\left(" | x | "\\right)"; -- precedence of double superscript
concatenate(x,"^{",y,"}") -- no braces around x
concatenate(x,"_{",y,"}",if class v#0===Symbol and last toString v#0=="'" then "{}") -- no braces around x
texMath Power := v -> if v#1 === 1 or v#1 === ONE then texMath v#0 else texMathSuperscript v
texMath Superscript := v -> if v#1 === moduleZERO then "0" else texMathSuperscript v
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1196,7 +1197,8 @@ texMath MatrixExpression := x -> (

texMath VectorExpression := v -> (
if all(v,i->class i===ZeroExpression) then "0"
else concatenate(
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion M2/Macaulay2/m2/iterators.m2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ Iterator.synonym = "iterator"

iterator Iterator := identity
next Iterator := iter -> iter()
net Iterator := iter -> (

net Iterator := iter -> if hasAttribute(iter,ReverseDictionary) then net getAttribute(iter,ReverseDictionary) else (
x := if not (first frames iter)#?0 then () else first first frames iter;
net FunctionApplication(iterator,
(if instance(x, String) then format else identity) x))
Expand Down
108 changes: 92 additions & 16 deletions M2/Macaulay2/m2/latex.m2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,25 +30,32 @@ shorten := s -> (
-- TODO: remove as duplicate
noopts := x -> select(x,e -> class e =!= Option and class e =!= OptionTable)

texLiteralTable := new MutableHashTable
scan(0 .. 255, c -> texLiteralTable#(ascii{c}) = concatenate(///{\char ///, toString c, "}"))
scan(ascii(32 .. 126), c -> texLiteralTable#c = c)
scan("\\{}$&#^_%~|<>\"", c -> texLiteralTable#c = concatenate("{\\char ", toString (ascii c)#0, "}"))
texLiteralTable#"\n" = "\n"
texLiteralTable#"\r" = "\r"
texLiteralTable#"\t" = "\t"
texLiteralTable#"`" = "{`}" -- break ligatures ?` and !` in font \tt. See page 381 of TeX Book.
texLiteral = s -> concatenate for c in s list texLiteralTable#c
texLiteralEncode := c -> concatenate apply(ascii c,i->("\\char",toString i))
texLiteralPairs := splice {
apply(0..8|11..12|14..31|127..255|toSequence ascii "\\{}$&#^_%~|<>\"", c -> ascii c => texLiteralEncode ascii c),
"`" => "{`}" -- break ligatures ?` and !` in font \tt. See page 381 of TeX Book.
texLiteralTable := hashTable texLiteralPairs
texLiteral1 := t -> s -> (
concatenate apply(characters s,
c -> if t#?c then (
flag=first s==="\\" and last s =!="}";
else if flag then (flag=false; " "|c) else c
) | if flag then " " else ""
texLiteral := texLiteral1 texLiteralTable
HALFLINE := "\\vskip 4.75pt\n"
ENDLINE := "\\leavevmode\\hss\\endgraf\n"
VERBATIM := "\\begingroup\\tt "
ENDVERBATIM := "\\endgroup{}"
texExtraLiteralTable := copy texLiteralTable
texExtraLiteralTable#" " = "\\ "
texExtraLiteral := s -> demark(ENDLINE,
apply(lines s, l -> for c in l list texExtraLiteralTable#c))
texExtraLiteralTable := hashTable append(texLiteralPairs," " => "\\ ")
texExtraLiteral := s -> demark(ENDLINE, apply(lines s, l -> apply(l, c -> if texExtraLiteralTable#?c then texExtraLiteralTable#c else c)))
-- this loop depends on the feature of hash tables that when the keys
Expand All @@ -72,20 +79,89 @@ sectionType = sectionNumber -> (
keywordTexMath = applyKeys(hashTable { -- both unary and binary keywords
symbol |- => "\\vdash ",
symbol .. => "\\,{.}{.}\\,",
symbol ..< => "\\,{.}{.}{<}\\,",
symbol <= => "\\le ",
symbol >= => "\\ge ",
symbol => => "\\Rightarrow ",
symbol ==> => "\\Longrightarrow ",
symbol <== => "\\Longleftarrow ",
symbol <==> => "\\Longleftrightarrow ",
symbol _> => "{}_>",
symbol _< => "{}_<",
symbol ^> => "{}^>",
symbol ^< => "{}^<",
symbol ** => "\\otimes ",
symbol ++ => "\\oplus ",
symbol != => "\\ne ",
symbol -> => "\\rightarrow ",
symbol <- => "\\leftarrow ",
symbol ===> => "{\\large\\Longrightarrow}",
symbol <=== => "{\\large\\Longleftarrow}",
symbol << => "\\ll ",
symbol >> => "\\gg ",
symbol ^! => "{}^!",
symbol _! => "{}_!",
symbol ~ => "\\sim ",
symbol ^~ => "{}^\\sim",
symbol _~ => "{}_\\sim",
--symbol ^# => "{}^\\sharp",
--symbol _# => "{}_\\sharp",
symbol _ => "\\_",
symbol { => "\\{",
symbol } => "\\}",
symbol \ => "\\backslash ",
symbol \\ => "\\backslash\\backslash ",
symbol # => "\\#",
symbol #? => "\\#?",
symbol % => "\\%",
symbol & => "\\&",
symbol ^ => "\\wedge ",
symbol ^^ => "\\wedge\\wedge ",
symbol <| => "\\langle ",
symbol |> => "\\rangle ",
symbol | => "\\mid",
symbol || => "\\mid\\mid",
symbol ^** => "{}^{\\otimes}", -- temporary solution to KaTeX issue
symbol _* => "{}_*", -- temporary solution to KaTeX issue
symbol ^* => "{}^*" -- temporary solution to KaTeX issue
bbLetters := set characters "kABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
-- greek letters below are only in math mode
texMathLiteralTable := merge(texLiteralTable,
hashTable {
"Α" => "\\Alpha", "Β" => "\\Beta", "Ε" => "\\Epsilon", "Ζ" => "\\Zeta", "Η" => "\\Eta", "Ι" => "\\Iota", "Κ" => "\\Kappa", "Μ" => "\\Mu", "Ν" => "\\Nu", "Ο" => "\\Omicron", "Ρ" => "\\Rho", "Τ" => "\\Tau", "Χ" => "\\Chi",
"Γ" => "\\Gamma", "Δ" => "\\Delta", "Θ" => "\\Theta", "Λ" => "\\Lambda", "Ξ" => "\\Xi", "Π" => "\\Pi", "Σ" => "\\Sigma", "Υ" => "\\Upsilon", "Φ" => "\\Phi", "Ψ" => "\\Psi", "Ω" => "\\Omega",
"ϱ" => "\\varrho", "ϵ" => "\\epsilon", "π" => "\\pi", "ρ" => "\\rho", "ς" => "\\varsigma", "σ" => "\\sigma", "τ" => "\\tau", "υ" => "\\upsilon", "φ" => "\\varphi", "χ" => "\\chi", "ψ" => "\\psi", "ω" => "\\omega", "ϑ" => "\\vartheta",
"α" => "\\alpha", "β" => "\\beta", "γ" => "\\gamma", "ϕ" => "\\phi", "δ" => "\\delta", "ε" => "\\varepsilon", "ϖ" => "\\varpi", "ζ" => "\\zeta", "η" => "\\eta", "θ" => "\\theta", "ι" => "\\iota", "κ" => "\\kappa", "λ" => "\\lambda", "μ" => "\\mu", "ν" => "\\nu", "ξ" => "\\xi", "ο" => "\\omicron",
"𝔞" => "\\mathfrak{a}","𝔟" => "\\mathfrak{b}","𝔠" => "\\mathfrak{c}","𝔡" => "\\mathfrak{d}","𝔢" => "\\mathfrak{e}","𝔣" => "\\mathfrak{f}","𝔤" => "\\mathfrak{g}","𝔥" => "\\mathfrak{h}","𝔦" => "\\mathfrak{i}","𝔧" => "\\mathfrak{j}","𝔨" => "\\mathfrak{k}",
"𝔩" => "\\mathfrak{l}","𝔪" => "\\mathfrak{m}","𝔫" => "\\mathfrak{n}","𝔬" => "\\mathfrak{o}","𝔭" => "\\mathfrak{p}","𝔮" => "\\mathfrak{q}","𝔯" => "\\mathfrak{r}","𝔰" => "\\mathfrak{s}","𝔱" => "\\mathfrak{t}","𝔲" => "\\mathfrak{u}","𝔳" => "\\mathfrak{v}",
"𝔴" => "\\mathfrak{w}","𝔵" => "\\mathfrak{x}","𝔶" => "\\mathfrak{y}","𝔷" => "\\mathfrak{z}","𝔄" => "\\mathfrak{A}","𝔅" => "\\mathfrak{B}","𝔆" => "\\mathfrak{C}","𝔇" => "\\mathfrak{D}","𝔈" => "\\mathfrak{E}","𝔉" => "\\mathfrak{F}","𝔊" => "\\mathfrak{G}",
"𝔋" => "\\mathfrak{H}","𝔌" => "\\mathfrak{I}","𝔍" => "\\mathfrak{J}","𝔎" => "\\mathfrak{K}","𝔏" => "\\mathfrak{L}","𝔐" => "\\mathfrak{M}","𝔑" => "\\mathfrak{N}","𝔒" => "\\mathfrak{O}","𝔓" => "\\mathfrak{P}","𝔔" => "\\mathfrak{Q}","𝔕" => "\\mathfrak{R}",
"𝔖" => "\\mathfrak{S}","𝔗" => "\\mathfrak{T}","𝔘" => "\\mathfrak{U}","𝔙" => "\\mathfrak{V}","𝔚" => "\\mathfrak{W}","𝔛" => "\\mathfrak{X}","𝔜" => "\\mathfrak{Y}","𝔝" => "\\mathfrak{Z}"
texMathLiteral = texLiteral1 texMathLiteralTable
-- TODO: expand and document this behavior
suffixes := {"bar","tilde","hat","vec","dot","ddot","check","acute","grave","breve"};
suffixesRegExp := "\\w("|demark("|",suffixes)|")$";
texVariable := x -> (
if x === "" then return "";
xx := separate("\\$", x); if #xx > 1 then return demark("{\\char36}", texVariable \ xx); -- avoid the use of "$" in tex output
if #x === 2 and x#0 === x#1 and bbLetters#?(x#0) then return "{\\mathbb " | x#0 | "}";
if last x === "'" then return texVariable substring(x, 0, #x-1) | "'";
if (r := regex(suffixesRegExp, x)) =!= null then return (
r = r#1; "\\" | substring(r, x) | "{" | texVariable substring(x, 0, r#0) | "}");
if #x === 1 or regex("[^[:alnum:]]", x) =!= null then x else "\\textit{" | x | "}")
texMath Symbol := x -> if keywordTexMath#?x then keywordTexMath#x else texVariable toString x
if #x === 1 or regex("[^[:alnum:]]", x) =!= null then x else "\\mathit{" | x | "}")
texMathSymbol :=
texMath Symbol := texVariable @@ texMathLiteral @@ toString
texMath Keyword := texMath @@ symbolBody
texMath SymbolBody := s -> if keywordTexMath#?s then keywordTexMath#s else texMathSymbol s
-- add augmented operators
removeLast := s -> substring(s,0,#s-1)
keywordTexMath = merge(keywordTexMath, hashTable apply(toList augmentedAssignmentOperators, s -> symbolBody s => (texMath (getGlobalSymbol ( removeLast toString s ))) | "="), last)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions M2/Macaulay2/m2/reals.m2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -415,6 +415,7 @@ texMath RR := x -> (
"}\\cdot 10^{", x ) | "}")
texMath RRi := x -> concatenate("\\big[",texMath left x,",",texMath right x,"\\big]",if isEmpty x then "\\text{ (an empty interval)}")
withFullPrecision = f -> (
prec := printingPrecision;
acc := printingAccuracy;
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion M2/Macaulay2/m2/webapp.m2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ Thing#{WebApp,AfterNoPrint} = x -> (

removeWebAppTags = s -> if s === null then null else replace(webAppTagsRegex,"😀",s);
if topLevelMode === WebApp then (
compactMatrixForm = false;
extractStr := x -> concatenate apply(x,y -> if instance(y,Hypertext) then extractStr y else if instance(y,String) then y);
-- the help hack: if started in WebApp mode, help is compiled in it as well
processExamplesLoop ExampleItem := (x->new LITERAL from extractStr x) @@ (lookup(processExamplesLoop,ExampleItem));
Expand Down

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