A userscript to add features to your boring osu! web pages.
All features are available on both the old and new site.
- Display up to top 100 scores
- Display pp for each score
- Sort by pp
- Display scores according to selected mods
- Display friend rankings
- Display score date
- Display pp rank
- Search scores of any user
- Search multiple users at once with a comma separated list
- Download replay of any score (if available)
- Beatmap mirrors
- Display numerical value of CS, AR, HP, OD
- osu!preview
- Display max combo value
- Display recent plays (including failed scores) in userpage
- Display top 100 most played maps in userpage
- Detailed top ranks
- Slider to highlight recent scores in beatmap listing and top ranks
- Display global and country rank in performance ranking
- Subscription to mappers and maps
- Beatmap information in userpage top ranks/recent plays
- Settings tab to enable/disable osuplus features
- Force show difficulties in beatmap listing
- Display "pp if ranked or fc" for maps with scoreboards and user recent plays (click the pp value) (only for standard)
- Export beatmap leaderboard to csv
- Tampermonkey (for Chrome) or Greasemonkey (for Firefox)
- osu!api key (you can obtain it at https://osu.ppy.sh/p/api)
Ensure you have Tampermonkey/Greasemonkey installed and enabled.
Click here to install.
Now go to any osu! beatmap listing page. It should prompt you for your API key at the top of the page. Simply paste your API key and done!