Scripts I wrote for DNA double-strand break analysis. Referred to methods of:
- iSeq Hygestat_BLESS (
- MACS peak calling (
- OS: Windows subsystem for Linux, Ubuntu
- Bowtie version 1.2.3
- Python version 3.8.2
- Google Colab / Jupyter Notebook
- (MATLAB R2019a)
Download and unzip human reference genome file hg38 (GRCh38) .fasta files (chr1.fa, chr2.fa, ..., chrX.fa, chrY.fa, chrM.fa, from January 2014):, (
to build the reference genome files:bowtie-build chr1.fa,chr2.fa,chr3.fa,chr4.fa,chr5.fa,chr6.fa,chr7.fa,chr8.fa,chr9.fa,chr10.fa,chr11.fa,chr12.fa,chr13.fa,chr14.fa,chr15.fa,chr16.fa,chr17.fa,chr18.fa,chr19.fa,chr20.fa,chr21.fa,chr22.fa,chrX.fa,chrY.fa,chrM.fa ../hg38.bowtie
Download raw sequencing (.fastq) files: ( using accession numbers
- Here I use files from DSBCapture as an example:
Lensing, S., Marsico, G., Hänsel-Hertsch, R. et al. DSBCapture: in situ capture and sequencing of DNA breaks. Nat Methods 13, 855–857 (2016).
- Download blacklist file of HUMAN (hg38/GRCh38):
- Blacklisted Regions: set of regions in the human genome that have anomalous, unstructured, high signal/read counts in next gen sequencing experiments independent of cell line and type of experiment, which are troublesome for high throughput sequencing aligners.
Step 1: Remove Illumina adaptors (AGATCGGAAGAGC) using cutadapt (
- for paired-end illumina sequencing:
cutadapt -m 10 -a AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA -A AGATCGGAAGAGCGTCGTGTAGGGAAAGAGTGT --discard-untrimmed -o break_out1.fastq -p break_out2.fastq SRR3182242_1.fastq SRR3182242_2.fastq > catadapt-output.txt
cat break_out1.fastq break_out2.fastq > break_out.fastq
- for single-end illumina sequencing:
cutadapt -m 10 -a AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA --discard-untrimmed -o break_out.fastq SRR10173728.fastq > catadapt-output.txt
bowtie -q ../bowtie-files/hg38.bowtie -v 0 -M 1 --best ../NHEK_break_seq_rep1/break_out.fastq bowtie-outputA.txt
means input file is in .fastq format, -v 0
allows 0 mismatch, -M 1 --best
reports the best read if a read has more than 1 reportable alignments
Script file: scripts/
Usage: ./ [options]
[options] include:
-t|--treated <bowtie-output-treated> bowtie output file of treated sample
-c|--control <bowtie-output-control> bowtie output file of control sample
(provide this or enter --no-control)
-s|--size <window-size> user-defined window size of peak calling
(if not provided, find and use window size with highest variance of p-values)
-o|--output <output-filename>
-B <blacklist-file>
-C <cancer-gene-consensus.csv-annotation-file>
-hg <human-reference-genome-file>
-G <gencode.gtf-annotation-file>
(this function is not implemented yet)
Example: ./ --no-control -t bowtie-outputA.txt -s 5000 -o outputtest -B ../genome-annotation/GRCh38_unified_blacklist.bed -G ../genome-annotation/gencode.v34.annotation.gtf -C ../genome-annotation/Census_all-Sep17-2020.csv -hg ../bowtie-files/GRCh38
Detailed steps in
Filter bowtie outputs: delete alignments in blacklisted regions (using
) -
Analyze sequence bias of the break: can modify window size, by default analyze ±10bp of the break (using
) -
Analyze each chromosome by windows of user-defined size, and calculate p-values (using
Scan each chromosome by windows of user-defined size
hypergeometric test for p-values
- For p-values:
- N = total number in population = number of reads in the given chromosome for both treated and non-treated sample
- k = total number with condition in population = number of reads in the given chromosome for the treated sample
- m = number in subset = number of reads in the given window for treated and non-treated samples
- x = number with condition in subset = number of reads in a given window for the treated sample
- Document:
- Online p-value calculator:
- For p-values:
Benjamini-Hochberg correction to produce q-values (q-values = corrected p-values for multiple hypothesis testing)
- The corrected P value for a test is either the raw P value times m/i or the adjusted P value for the next higher raw P value, whichever is smaller (m = number of tests, i = rank of each test, with 1 the rank of the smallest P value)
- Document:
- Online B-H correction calculator:
- Column 1: chromosome number
- Column 2: window start position
- Column 3: window end position
- Column 4: number of alignments within the window in treated sample
- Column 5: number of alignments within the window in control sample
- Column 6: hypergeometric p-value of the window
- Column 7: Benjamini-Hochberg correction q-value of the window
awk ‘$7 < 0.05’ output/<output-filename>chr<chrnum>_fwd.txt
awk ‘$7 < 0.05’ output/<output-filename>chr<chrnum>_rev.txt