Submitted by: Maneesha
Trivia is an app that app that displays a question and 4 choices.A user can view the current question and 4 different answers where they can navigate to the next question after tapping on an any option. User can track which question they're currently and how many questions they got correct after they've answered all the questions. User can restart the game after they've finished answering all questions.
Time spent: 8 hours spent in total
The following required functionality is completed:
- User can view the current question and 4 different answers
- User can view the next question after tapping an answer
- User can answer at least 3 different questions
The following optional features are implemented:
- User can use the vertical orientation of the app on any device
- User can track the question they are on and how many questions are left
- User can see how many questions they got correct after answering all questions
- User should be able to restart the game after they've finished answering all questions
The following additional features are implemented:
- List anything else that you can get done to improve the app functionality!
challenges encountered while building the app.
- Adjusting constraints and ensuring proper alignment took some trial and error.
- had confusion how to structure data model and use it effectively in the view controller.
- Managing the logic for handling the end of questions, displaying the game over message as soon as button for answer of third question is tapped.
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