The goal of this application is to develop a lawnmower pattern with the Turtlesim Simulator that takes a starting (x, y) coordinate, a height, and a width for the pattern. This application is developed as part of the first homework assignment in the course SES 598: Autonomous Exploration Systems at Arizona State University.
Starting location (x, y), height, width, and speed limits for the turtlesim can be adjusted in the lawnmower_params.yaml file.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
catkin build turtlesim_lawnmower
cd ~/catkwin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
For C++:
roslaunch turtlesim_lawnmower lawnmower_cpp.launch
For Python:
roslaunch turtlesim_lawnmower lawnmower_py.launch