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Releasing a new Portofino 5.x version

Alessio Stalla edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 26 revisions
  1. If the 'portofino' Angular library (in the ui directory) has been modified since the previous release, update the version in ui/projects/portofino/package.json, ui/package.json, archetypes/war/src/main/resources/archetype-resources/src/main/frontend/package.json and demo-tt/src/main/frontend/package.json
  2. Update Java module versions:
    2.1. mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=5.x.y
    2.2. watch out for modules without Portofino as a parent, such as microservices/spring-boot. You'll have to update these manually.
  3. Review
  4. mvn -DperformRelease=true clean package deploy
    4.1. Heads up! The build requires that Docker is installed and running.
    4.2. On Linux (Ubuntu) with no GUI (now probably outdated):
    gpg-agent --daemon mvn -Dgpg.executable=gpg2 -DperformRelease=true clean package deploy
  5. Publish the Upstairs app on Docker hub:
    5.1. docker login
    5.2. docker tag portofino-upstairs:5.x.y manydesigns/portofino-upstairs (latest tag)
    5.3. docker push manydesigns/portofino-upstairs
    5.4. docker tag portofino-upstairs:5.x.y manydesigns/portofino-upstairs:5.x.y (5.x.y tag)
    5.5. docker push manydesigns/portofino-upstairs:5.x.y
  6. From Sonatype download demo-tt and do a quick test (CRUD, wizard)
  7. Publish the portofino library to NPM (if modified):
   cd ui
   npm run publish-lib
  1. Build and test oneclick:
    8.1. cd oneclick
    8.2. edit
    8.3. ./
    8.4. test app and wizard in build/
  2. Close & release Sonatype repository
  3. publish to SourceForge:
    10.1. copy oneclick/build/ to SourceForge
    10.2. Generate javadoc (command in pom.xml), zip and publish to SourceForge
    10.3. mvn assembly:single, cd target and publish and to SourceForge
  4. commit & tag:
   git commit -am "Update to version 5.x.y"
   git tag -a v5.x.y -m "Version 5.x.y"
   git push origin v5.x.y
  1. set next snapshot: mvn versions:set -DnextSnapshot
  2. commit & push