Moon base alpha tts for gmod
Currently the tts only supports sandbox and murder but what if you it doesn't support yours or you want it to act differently here is how to do it. When a message is sent the tts calls a hook on the server. If the hook responds with tts = true then it sends the table to the client where another hook is called if the server and the client say its ok then the message is played. The hooks are stored in a file with the name of the gamemode in the gamemodes folder. If you do it right you shouldnt need to modify the tts code. The hooks dont need to be in the file but its recommended. With the info provided on the server and the client in the hooks you should be able to add support for anything.
I'm not good at explaining this. If you can code you will get whats below.
if SERVER then
if GetConVar("tts_debug"):GetBool() then MsgC(Color( 255, 0, 255 ),"Loaded tts/gamemodes/" .. string.lower(engine.ActiveGamemode()) .. ".lua\n") end
//if the server says its ok then send it to the client
hook.Add("preTTS", string.lower(engine.ActiveGamemode()), function(ply, text, team)
if GetConVar("tts_debug"):GetBool() then MsgC(Color( 255, 0, 255 ),"preTTS Hook Called\n") end
local table = {}
table.tts = true
table.ply = ply
table.text = text = tts.globalForce:GetBool() = team
if not IsValid(ply) then table.tts = false end
return table
//if the client says its ok then play it
hook.Add("postTTS", string.lower(engine.ActiveGamemode()), function(serverTable)
if GetConVar("tts_debug"):GetBool() then MsgC(Color( 255, 0, 255 ),"postTTS Hook called\n") end
local table = {}
table.tts = true
table.ply = serverTable.ply
table.text = serverTable.text = =
if not IsValid(serverTable.ply) then table.tts = false end
return table