provides a simple way to mark test cases with open issue.
@GitHubIssue(issueNumber = <your issue number>, fixed = boolean)
is used to mark test cases with open issue.
If a test case has this annotation and fixed = false
it must fail. If it doesn't fail it will be marked as failed.
Any test case with this annotation and fixed = true
behaves like a normal unit test.
We use JUnit 5 annotation composition feature(, so you only need to add this annotation to your test method.
@GitHubIssue(issueNumber = 4218, fixed = false)
void testSniperDoesNotPrintTheDeletedAnnotation() {
Consumer<CtType<?>> deleteAnnotation = type -> {
BiConsumer<CtType<?>, String> assertDoesNotContainAnnotation = (type, result) ->
assertThat(result, not(containsString("")));
testSniper("sniperPrinter.DeleteAnnotation", deleteAnnotation, assertDoesNotContainAnnotation);
Internal @GitHubIssue
combines @Test
and @ExtendWith
annotation with an extension enforcing the specified behavior.
The original idea and implementation is from Spoon( and discussed in this issue INRIA/spoon#3001. The code is copied with permission from Spoon.