RecurrentLayers.jl extends Flux.jl recurrent layers offering by providing implementations of bleeding edge recurrent layers not commonly available in base deep learning libraries. It is designed for a seamless integration with the larger Flux ecosystem, enabling researchers and practitioners to leverage the latest developments in recurrent neural networks.
Currently available layers and work in progress in the short term:
- Minimal gated unit (MGU) arxiv
- Light gated recurrent unit (LiGRU) arxiv
- Independently recurrent neural networks (IndRNN) arxiv
- Recurrent addictive networks (RAN) arxiv
- Recurrent highway network (RHN) arixv
- Light recurrent unit (LightRU) pub
- Neural architecture search unit (NAS) arxiv
- Evolving recurrent neural networks (MUT1/2/3) pub
- Structurally constrained recurrent neural network (SCRN) arxiv
- Peephole long short term memory (PeepholeLSTM) pub
- FastRNN and FastGRNN arxiv
- Minimal gated recurrent unit (minGRU) and minimal long short term memory (minLSTM) arxiv
You can install RecurrentLayers
using either of:
using Pkg
julia> ]
pkg> add RecurrentLayers
The workflow is identical to any recurrent Flux layer:
using RecurrentLayers
using Flux
using MLUtils: DataLoader
using Statistics
using Random
# Create dataset
function create_data(input_size, seq_length::Int, num_samples::Int)
data = randn(input_size, seq_length, num_samples) #(input_size, seq_length, num_samples)
labels = sum(data, dims=(1, 2)) .>= 0
labels = Int.(labels)
labels = dropdims(labels, dims=(1))
return data, labels
function create_dataset(input_size, seq_length, n_train::Int, n_test::Int, batch_size)
train_data, train_labels = create_data(input_size, seq_length, n_train)
train_loader = DataLoader((train_data, train_labels), batchsize=batch_size, shuffle=true)
test_data, test_labels = create_data(input_size, seq_length, n_test)
test_loader = DataLoader((test_data, test_labels), batchsize=batch_size, shuffle=false)
return train_loader, test_loader
struct RecurrentModel{H,C,D}
Flux.@layer RecurrentModel trainable=(rnn, dense)
function RecurrentModel(input_size::Int, hidden_size::Int)
return RecurrentModel(
zeros(Float32, hidden_size),
MGU(input_size => hidden_size),
Dense(hidden_size => 1, sigmoid))
function (model::RecurrentModel)(inp)
state = model.rnn(inp, model.h0)
state = state[:, end, :]
output = model.dense(state)
return output
function criterion(model, batch_data, batch_labels)
y_pred = model(batch_data)
loss = Flux.binarycrossentropy(y_pred, batch_labels)
return loss
function train_recurrent!(epoch, train_loader, opt, model, criterion)
total_loss = 0.0
for (batch_data, batch_labels) in train_loader
# Compute gradients and update parameters
grads = gradient(() -> criterion(model, batch_data, batch_labels), Flux.params(model))
Flux.Optimise.update!(opt, Flux.params(model), grads)
# Accumulate loss
total_loss += criterion(model, batch_data, batch_labels)
avg_loss = total_loss / length(train_loader)
println("Epoch $epoch/$num_epochs, Loss: $(round(avg_loss, digits=4))")
function test_recurrent(test_loader, model)
# Evaluation
correct = 0
total = 0
for (batch_data, batch_labels) in test_loader
# Forward pass
predicted = model(batch_data)
# Decode predictions: convert probabilities to class labels (0 or 1)
predicted_labels = vec(predicted .>= 0.5) # Threshold at 0.5 for binary classification
# Compare predicted labels to actual labels
correct += sum(predicted_labels .== vec(batch_labels))
total += length(batch_labels)
accuracy = correct / total
println("Accuracy: ", accuracy * 100, "%")
function main(;
input_size = 1, # Each element in the sequence is a scalar
hidden_size = 64, # Size of the hidden state
seq_length = 10, # Length of each sequence
batch_size = 16, # Batch size
num_epochs = 50, # Number of epochs for training
n_train = 1000, # Number of samples in train dataset
n_test = 200 # Number of samples in test dataset)
model = RecurrentModel(input_size, hidden_size)
# Generate test data
train_loader, test_loader = create_dataset(input_size, seq_length, n_train, n_test, batch_size)
# Define the optimizer
opt = Adam(0.001)
for epoch in 1:num_epochs
train_recurrent!(epoch, train_loader, opt, model, criterion)
test_recurrent(test_loader, model)
This project is licensed under the MIT License, except for nas_cell.jl
, which is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
is a reimplementation of the NASCell from TensorFlow and is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the file header andLICENSE-APACHE
for details.- All other files are licensed under the MIT License. See
for details.
If you have any questions, issues, or feature requests, please open an issue or contact us via email.