HTML Event listeners for on 'keyup' and on 'keydown'.
For each one of them, it stops propagation.
The onKeyUp
will give you the ASCII code of the key being released.
The onKeyDown
will give you the ASCII code of the key being pressed. Plus, it will tell you if the shift
key is pressed as well.
Event listeners on keys may be a very common usage, specially to know which keys are pressed/unpressed.
It would be nice if it was implemented inside elm/html
in Html.Events
just like the onInput
, and it seems to be in their future plants as it says in the note
, but in the meantime, this comes in handy.
Install with:
elm install martouta/html-key-events
A simple example of usage:
type Msg
= KeyDown ( Int, Bool )
| KeyUp Int
view : Html Msg
view =
[ rows 10
, cols 40
, onKeyDown KeyDown
, onKeyUp KeyUp
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
KeyDown ( code, shift ) ->
(model, Cmd.none)
KeyUp code ->
(model, Cmd.none)
You can read more about custom html event decoders in the documentation of the package elm/html.