Releases: MathIsFun0/Cryptid
What's new in v0.5.3a
- Small bugfixes
- Stakes now work properly
See the full patchnotes here.
Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas, art, etc!
There are too many people to list here, but you can find them all on the Cryptid Suggestions Log and this spreadsheet.
Video Installation Guide
Ensure that the latest version of Lovely is installed.
, which contains the latest version of Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded 1.0.
Move the contents of this file into %AppData%/Balatro/Mods
. (Make sure Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded are each in their own folder and the folder names are unchanged.)
v0.5.3 (Lending a Hand Update)
What's new in v0.5.3
See the patchnotes here.
Known Issues
- Cryptid’s stakes don’t work at all.
Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas, art, etc!
There are too many people to list here, but you can find them all on the Cryptid Suggestions Log and this spreadsheet.
Video Installation Guide
Ensure that the latest beta version of Lovely is installed.
, which contains the latest version of Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded 1.0.
Move the contents of this file into %AppData%/Balatro/Mods
. (Make sure Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded are each in their own folder and the folder names are unchanged.)
Note that Steamodded mods made for 0.9.8 are often incompatible with Steamodded 1.0.
v0.5.2~1101a (Spooky Update)
What's new in the Spooky Update
See the patchnotes here.
Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas, art, etc!
There are too many people to list here, but you can find them all on the Cryptid Suggestions Log and this spreadsheet.
Video Installation Guide
Ensure that the latest beta version of Lovely is installed.
, which contains the latest version of Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded 1.0.
Move the contents of this file into %AppData%/Balatro/Mods
. (Make sure Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded are each in their own folder and the folder names are unchanged.)
Note that Steamodded mods made for 0.9.8 are often incompatible with Steamodded 1.0.
What's new in v0.5.1
No formal patchnotes this time, but there are a lot of new changes, including:
- Ideas from the winners of the Jolly Open competition hosted on the Cryptid Discord:
- A voucher set that retriggers M Jokers
- An Exotic Joker and Deck that interact with the values on Jokers
- A new edition that allows you to have cards with different effects on the front and back side
- And more!
- As well as some other improvements:
- Lots and lots of bugfixes
- 20+ new Jokers
- 15+ new Tags
- Translations into Chinese, French, and Dutch (work in progress)
- And much more!
Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas, art, etc!
There are too many people to list here, but you can find them all on this spreadsheet.
Video Installation Guide
Ensure that the latest beta version of Lovely is installed.
, which contains the latest version of Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded 1.0.
Move the contents of this file into %AppData%/Balatro/Mods
. (Make sure Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded are each in their own folder and the folder names are unchanged.)
Note that Steamodded mods made for 0.9.8 are often incompatible with Steamodded 1.0.
What's new in v0.5.0
(Changes start from v0.5.0-pre)
- 7 new Jokers
- Circulus Pistoris (Exotic) - ^pi Chips, ^pi Mult if exactly 3 hands remaining (by SMG9000, HexaCryonic)
- Ace Aequilibrium (Exotic) - Jokers appear using the order from the Collection; Create 2 Negative Jokers when hand is played; Exotic or better Jokers cannot be created (by Jevonn, elial2)
- Facile (Exotic) - ^3 Mult if 10 or fewer cards are scored (by Jevonn, Enemui)
- Circus (Epic) - Rare Jokers each give X2 Mult; Epic Jokers each give X3 Mult, Legendary Jokers each give X4 Mult, Exotic Jokers each give X20 Mult (by Jevonn, Ein13)
- Membership Card (Legendary) - X0.1 Mult for each member in the Cryptid Discord (by toneblock, Jevonn)
- Kaleidoscope (Rare) - Add Polychrome to a random Joker when Boss Blind is defeated (by Jevonn)
- Translucent Joker (Common) - Sell this card to create a Banana Perishable copy of a random Joker (by SDM_0)
- Megg (Common) - Creates 0 Jolly Jokers when sold, increase by 1 at end of round (by SDM_0, watermelon lover)
- M Chain (Common) - Sell this card to add $1 of sell value to every Joker card (by Jevonn, Cryptid Discord)
- 4 new Editions
- Jolly - +8 Mult, this card is feeling rather jolly (considered as a Jolly Joker by M Jokers) (by stupxd, Jevonn)
- Fragile - X3 Mult, 7 in 8 chance this card isn't destroyed when triggered (shader by stupxd)
- Golden - +$2 when used or triggered (shader by stupxd)
- Noisy - +random Mult, +random Chips
- 2 new Planets
- Planet.lua - 1 in 5 chance to upgrade every poker hand by 1 level (by Jevonn)
- Neutron Star - Upgrade a random poker hand by 1 level for each Neutron Star used this run (by Jevonn, jenwalter)
- 1 new Code Card
- HOOK:// - Select two Jokers to become Hooked (when one Joker is triggered, trigger the other Joker)
- 1 new Pack
- Meme Pack - choose 2 of up to 5 Meme Jokers (things like m, happy house, etc.) (by Jevonn)
- 1 new Spectral
- Summoning - create a random Epic Joker, destroy a random Joker (by AlexZGreat, Cooler2231, MordWincer)
- 1 new Tarot
- The Blessing - Creates 1 random Consumable (must have room) (by Jevonn, RattlingSnow353, 5381)
- 1 new Tag
- Schematic Tag - Shop has a Brainstorm (by Jevonn)
- Modified Jokers
- Cut - now $7, was $9 (by Jevonn)
- Blender - now Common and $5, was Rare and $8 (by Jevonn)
- RNJoker - now Uncommon, was Rare (by Jevonn)
- Macabre Joker - now Common and $5, was Rare and $8 (by Jevonn)
- Morse Code (by Jevonn)
- new effect and sprite
- Earn $1 at end of round; increase payout by $2 when a card with an Edition is sold (works once per round)
- Double Scale and Scalae - internal rewrite, can now go above e308 (by Mathguy)
- Jolly Joker? - now creates a Joker with Jolly edition (by Jevonn)
- Scrabble Tile - now creates Jolly Uncommon Jokers instead of Jolly Jokers or Uncommon Jokers (by Jevonn)
- SUS - now prioritizes Kings of Hearts (can't be destroyed, always chosen to be duplicated)
- Supercell - plays a sound when added to deck (by Jevonn)
- Number Blocks - now starts at $1 (by Jevonn)
- Bus Driver - now Uncommon, was Rare (by Jevonn)
- Wario - now gives money when a Joker is triggered
- Mario - now 2 retriggers, was 1 retrigger (by jenwalter)
- Refactored Enhanced Decks
- Automatic deck creation (by Samario)
- Edition Decks no longer increaes the price of cards in shop (usually)
- Added Enhanced Decks for most additions from Jen's Almanac
- Revamped Retrigger API - now moved to Steamodded
- removed the "Spectral Pack" menu - Cryptid and Talisman now only use Steamodded's config menu
- Consumable generators can no longer generate rare consumables (eg. Doodle M, CCD Deck, Hammerspace)
- Added an "Apply Previous" button to Code Cards with their own UI (by toneblock)
- Added a "Cancel" button to Code Cards with their own UI (by stupxd)
- Code Cards with their own UI disable the holding R shortcut
- Cat Tags can now be merged and leveled up (by toneblock)
- Improved JokerDisplay compatibility
- Mario, Wario, Luigi by N'
- Jolly Joker?, Kidnapping, Sob, Nostalgic Candy, Scrabble Tile, Megg, Consume-able, :D, Crypto Coin, Bubble M, Reverse Card by Jevonn
- Improved Incantation compatibility
- Fixes an issue where Copy/Paste does not work properly with Incantation
- Stella Mortis
- Improved Jen's Almanac compatibility
- added shorthands in POINTER:// for Jen's Almanac items
- Improved Tier 3 Vouchers compatibility (the mod by Crimson Heart)
- If installed, Cryptid's Vouchers act as Tier 4 Vouchers
- Tarot/Planet Acclimator stack on top of Tarot/Planet Factory
- Modded editions now appear in Antimatter Deck
- Slight improvements to Glitched shader (by stupxd)
- Added a sprite for Curate (by Jevonn)
- Improved Vaccum's sprite (by Jevonn)
- Fixed a bug where POINTER:// crashes when entering a blacklisted Joker (by SDM_0)
- POINTER:// now works with cards with custom formatting (eg. EX consumeables)
- Obsidian Orb can no longer combine the abilities of Lavender Loop and The Tax
- Edition Jokers no longer have duplicated tooltips (by SDM_0)
- Fixed small issues with textures (by SDM_0)
- Fixed small issues with descriptions (by Jevonn)
- Fixed an issue where ://MERGE could merge eternal consumables
- Fixed an issue where Cut could destroy eternal consumables (by Jevonn)
- Fixed an issue where Tredecim could create itself (by Jevonn)
- Fixed an issue where ://COMMIT could be used on Fusion Jokers
- Fixed an issue where redeeming Magic Trick crashes (by Jevonn)
- Fixed a bug where Python was not giving Xmult (by SDM_0)
- Fixed a bug where Mass Production gave cards a large sell value (by stupxd)
- Fixed an issue where some Jokers falsely claimed they were incompatible with Blueprint (by Jevonn)
- Fixed an issue where retriggering editions (eg. in Jen's Almanac) did not work properly on Jokers
- Glitched, Oversaturated, and ://MULTIPLY now properly respect add_to_deck effects (eg. Negative Joker)
- Updated compatibility with the latest version of Steamodded
Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas, art, etc!
There are too many people to list here, but you can find them all on this spreadsheet.
Video Installation Guide
Ensure that the latest beta version of Lovely is installed.
, which contains the latest version of Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded 1.0.
Move the contents of this file into %AppData%/Balatro/Mods
. (Make sure Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded are each in their own folder and the folder names are unchanged.)
Note that Steamodded mods made for 0.9.8 are often incompatible with Steamodded 1.0.
Note: This is a pre-release version. Not all of the Code Cards planned for 0.5.0 have been implemented yet. Additionally, expect more instability than you would see in a release version.
What's new in v0.5.0-pre
There have been a lot of changes in the past month - simply too many to list here for a pre-release. You can find changelogs for everything from v0.4.3a onwards in the Cryptid Discord.
Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas, art, etc!
There are too many people to list here, but you can find them all on this spreadsheet.
Video Installation Guide
Ensure that the latest beta version of Lovely is installed.
, which contains the latest version of Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded 1.0.
Move the contents of this file into %AppData%/Balatro/Mods
. (Make sure Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded are each in their own folder.)
Note that Steamodded mods made for 0.9.8 are incompatible with Steamodded 1.0.
What's new in v0.4.3a
- Trade now properly checks if a voucher is redeemed before being usable
- Fixed a bug where Trade did not work properly on Deck of Equilibrium
- :D now works when selling with full joker slots
- Empowered Tag now triggers immediately when obtained from Gambler's Tag
- Misprint Deck effect now works properly on Consumables after a recent Steamodded change
- Fixed an issue where playing Antimatter Deck crashes the game on Horizon Stake or higher
- Fixed an issue where having Universum crashes the game against some bosses
- m
Note: Make sure Steamodded is updated to the latest version, as there were many issues caused by slightly older versions of Steamodded in v0.4.3.
Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas, art, etc!
There are too many people to list here, but you can find them all on this spreadsheet.
Video Installation Guide
Ensure that the latest beta version of Lovely is installed.
, which contains the latest version of Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded 1.0.
Move the contents of this file into %AppData%/Balatro/Mods
. (Make sure Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded are each in their own folder.)
Note that Steamodded mods made for 0.9.8 are incompatible with Steamodded 1.0.
What's new in v0.4.3
- Added 8 new Stakes
- Twilight Stake - Jokers can be Banana
- Verdant Stake - Requires score scales faster for each ante
- Ember Stake - All items have no sell value
- Dawn Stake - Tarots and Spectrals target 1 fewer card (Minimum of 1)
- Horizon Stake - When Blind selected, add one random card to deck
- Blossom Stake - Final Boss Blinds can always appear
- Azure Stake - Values on Jokers are reduced by 20%
- Ascendant Stake - -1 slot in shop
- Added 3 new Spectrals
- Trade - Lose a random Voucher, gain 2 random Vouchers
- Analog - Create 2 copies of a random Joker, destroy all other Jokers, +1 Ante
- Replica - Convert all cards in hand to a random card held in hand
- Added 3 new Decks
- Redeemed Deck - When a Voucher is purchased, gain its extra tiers
- Critical Deck - After each hand played, 1 in 4 chance for ^2 Mult, 1 in 8 chance for ^0.5 Mult
- Blurred Deck - Start with a deck of Blurred cards (Cards cannot change editions)
- Added 1 new Edition
- Blurred - 1 in 2 chance to retrigger this card 1 additional time
- Added 1 new Sticker
- Banana - 1 in 10 chance to be destroyed at end of round
- Primus now starts at ^1.01 Mult and increases by ^0.17 Mult (was ^1 Mult, +^0.1 Mult)
- Sapling, Jolly Joker?, Fast Food M, and Reverse Card can no longer appear as Eternal
- M Stack can no longer appear as Perishable
- Added an additional effect to ERROR
- Nostalgic Arm can now appear in ante 1 (originally started appearing in ante 3)
- Added Matador compatibility to many bosses
- Nostalgic Arm and The Psychic are now incompatible for Obsidian Orb
- The Tax will no longer appear if it is impossible to defeat
- Sticker Sheet now also includes Banana
- Made some descriptions more compact
- Fixed a bug where some vanilla cards were marked as being from Cryptid
- Fixed a bug where sorting cards by suit would not work properly
- Fixed a bug where Nostalgic Ox and Nostalgic Fish would mess with scores over e308
- Fixed a bug where playing Obsidian Orb after playing The Arm would crash the game
- Fixed a bug where The Clock's blind requirement would not refresh after resetting a run
- Fixed a bug where Empowered Tags could trigger multiple times at once
- m
Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas, art, etc!
There are too many people to list here, but you can find them all on this spreadsheet.
Ensure that the latest beta version of Lovely is installed.
, which contains the latest version of Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded 1.0.
Move the contents of this file into %AppData%/Balatro/Mods
Note that Steamodded mods made for 0.9.8 are incompatible with Steamodded 1.0.
What's new in v0.4.2
- Added 12 new Blinds
- Nostalgic Ox - All hands start with 0 Chips
- Nostalgic House - No Full Houses
- Nostalgic Arm - Must play 4 or fewer cards
- Nostalgic Fish - All hands start with 1 Mult
- Nostalgic Manacle - Divide Mult by Discards
- Nostalgic Serpent - Divide Mult by level of played poker hand
- Nostalgic Pillar - No Straights
- Nostalgic Flint - No Flushes
- Nostalgic Mark - No hands containing a Pair
- The Box - All Common Jokers are debuffed
- The Windmill - All Uncomon Jokers are debuffed
- The Hammer - All cards with odd rank are debuffed
- Added 8 new Tags
- Cat Tag - Meow.
- Empowered Tag - Gives a free Spectral Pack with The Soul and Gateway (cannot spawn naturally)
- Gambler's Tag - 1 in 4 chance to create an Empowered Tag
- Bundle Tag - Create a Standard Tag, Charm Tag, Buffoon Tag, and Meteor Tag
- Memory Tag - Create 2 copies of the last Tag used during this run (Copying Tags excluded)
- Triple Tag - Gives 2 copies of the next selected Tag (Copying Tags excluded)
- Quadruple Tag - Gives 3 copies of the next selected Tag (Copying Tags excluded)
- Quintuple Tag - Gives 4 copies of the next selected Tag (Copying Tags excluded)
- Added 3 new Vouchers
- Copies (Tier 1) - Double Tags become Triple Tags and are 2X as common
- Tag Printer (Tier 2) - Double Tags become Quadruple Tags and are 3X as common
- Clone Machine (Tier 3) - Double Tags become Quintuple Tags and are 4X as common
- Added 6 new Decks
- Wormhole Deck - Start with an Exotic Joker, Jokers are 20X more likely to be Negative, -2 Joker slots
- Negative Deck - Start with a deck of Negative Cards (Cards cannot change editions)
- Astral Deck - Start with a deck of Astral Cards (Cards cannot change editions)
- Mosaic Deck - Start with a deck of Mosaic Cards (Cards cannot change editions)
- Oversaturated Deck - Start with a deck of Oversaturated Cards (Cards cannot change editions)
- Glitched Deck - Start with a deck of Glitched Cards (Cards cannot change editions)
- Added 2 new Challenges
- Rush Hour II - All Blinds are The Clock or Lavender Loop. Blinds can't be skipped.
- Rush Hour III - Rush Hour II, and The Clock and Lavender Loop scale 2X faster. Start with a Negative Eternal Hit the Road and twice as many Jacks
- Made music for Jimball toggleable
- Renamed Wee Fibonacci to Weebonacci
- Renamed Rush Hour to Rush Hour I
- Lowered the volume of sound effects for Mosaic, Glitched, Oversaturated, and Astral
- Fixed an issue where some Jokers displayed blank messages
- Fixed an issue where changing costs in a shop (e.g. through Astronomer, Clearance Sale, Liquidation) reset prices affected by Misprint Deck
- Fixed a bug where tooltips did not appear on Trance, Talisman, Deja Vu, and Medium
- Added a tooltip to The Eclipse
- Fixed a bug where M Epics could appear when disabled
- Fixed a bug where Universum would not work properly if it would break e308
- Fixed a bug where Universum would cause some animations during scoring
- Fixed an issue where playing cards with altered values wouldn't be sorted properly
- Fixed a bug where The Clock would not work properly when replacing a Big Blind
- Fixed a bug where defeating a Boss Blind replacing a Big Blind in Ante 8 would count as a win
- Fixed a bug where faster ante scaling in endless mode would crash when using OmegaNum with Talisman
- m
Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas, art, etc!
There are too many people to list here, but you can find them all on this spreadsheet.
Ensure that the latest beta version of Lovely is installed.
, which contains the latest version of Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded 1.0.
Move the contents of this file into %AppData%/Balatro/Mods
Note that Steamodded mods made for 0.9.8 are incompatible with Steamodded 1.0.
What's new in v0.4.1
- Added 1 new Seal
- Azure Seal - Create 3 Negative planets for played poker hand, then destroy this card
- Added 1 new Spectral
- Typhoon - Add an Azure Seal to 1 selected card in your hand
- M Jokers can now be enabled/disabled separately
- M and m are not included in this list
- Epic Jokers in this category will not appear unless Epic Jokers are also enabled
- Balance changes
- Kidnapping - now costs $1, was $3
- Bubble M - now requires Three of a Kind, was Four of a Kind
- Fast Food M - now Common and +50 Mult, was Uncommon and +70 Mult
- M Stack - now Rare and starts at 1 retrigger, was Uncommon and 0 retriggers
- Neon M - now starts at $0, was $2; now always increases by at least $1 at end of round
- Notebook - now has base 1 in 7 odds, was 1 in 15; now always triggers if there are 5 or more Jolly Jokers, was X3 odds and 3 or more Jolly Jokers
- Bonk - effect now applies to all Jokers, Jolly Jokers now give 3x as many chips as other Jokers; now starts at +6 Chips, was +12
- Loopy - now only appears if you have a Jolly Joker; effect changed to +3 hand size until end of round when a Jolly Joker is sold
- Scrabble Tile - now 1 in 4, was 1 in 3; now Uncommon and $6, was Rare and $7
- Sacrifice - now creates 4 Jolly Jokers, was 1; now can only be used once per round, was twice
- Doodle M - now only appears if you have a Jolly Joker, now creates a minimum of 2 consumables, was 1
- Infinite Deck - now also gives +1 hand size (also applies to Antimatter Deck)
- Changed some descriptions to be more precise
- Bonus Joker now shows the Bonus Card tooltip
- Fixed a crash when trying to use the effect of Morse Code
- Fixed a crash related to Double Scale
Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas, art, etc!
There are too many people to list here, but you can find them all on this spreadsheet.
Ensure that the latest beta version of Lovely is installed.
, which contains the latest version of Cryptid, Talisman, and Steamodded 1.0.
Move the contents of this file into %AppData%/Balatro/Mods
Note that the vast majority of Steamodded mods are incompatible with Steamodded 1.0.