>Mercetplace is a platform based off of heavy-lifting which is a standalone copy of the GitHub user management system. Designed using a mongodB, NodeJS, expressjs and Handlebarsjs MVC (model view controller)
Based on Mega Boilerplate.
Port is set to 5000.
Application Framework
Form Deployment is carried out with Alpaca.jsIn the engineering environment, there is a requirement to catalogue vast amounts of information. This information ranges from commercial contracts through to tables of bolts sizes. All of which would eventually be used for the reporting of data to a client or employer. The cataloguing of this data is currently contained in standards and specifications spread out across the globe. These specifications are generally controlled by standards bodies which in turn commercialize the documentation. This commercialization fundamentally impleads the growth of new industries and creates barriers to entry to globalization of trade. Included in this is vast amounts of duplication and erroneous mistakes that are not changes for years.
At the core of the design of Heavy-lifting are the following considerations:
- Record changes in data over time
- provide access to vast amounts of peer review information to all users
- build component and assembly structures
- have an open data structure which can be modular in nature
In summary Heavy-lifting requires the following:
- Node.js
- Mongodb
- The GitHub Heavy-lifting repo
- serve-favicon
- express
If you would like to install or contribute to Mercetplace, your local development machine requirements are the following components:
Node.js MongodB The GitHub Fraternate repo NPM expressjs
* Install NPM & MongoDB * npm install -g nodemon * Clone the repo * Create your own .env file or get it from Raltrwx * Install the mongodb & mongodb-tools package * run: systemctl start mongodb && systemctl enable mongodb * cd to import mongo data & mongoimports -d heavylifting demodata.json * cd to the repo folder in terminal * nodemon * open localhost:5000
In more detail.
- Step 1 - Install Node.js
Download and install from the Node.js homepage. https://nodejs.org/en/
Download and install from the mongodb homepage. https://www.mongodb.com/
Clone the repository on your hard drive, using the "clone or download" button on the GitHub front page for Heavy-lifting.
Once downloaded, extract to the directory of your choice. For example:
When you are at the command prompt in the correct directory, type in the following:
npm install npm@latest -g
The NPM service will now download and install into the cloned directory. When completed , enter the following:
npm install
npm install serve-favicon
npm install -g nodemon
npm install express
npm install express-recaptcha --save
Download and install from the mongodb homepage. https://robomongo.org/
Next step is import the demodata.json into your "heavylifting" mongodb collection on your localhost .
Let us know if you would like us to assist on any other web based system design.
Isithelo Technical Solutions