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  1. STRUCTURE analysis
  2. Analysis of Molecular Variance
  3. Mantel test
  4. Similarity
  5. D-statistics (ABBA-BABA)
  6. Linkage Disequilibrium
  7. XP-CLR

STRUCTURE analysis

The script was written to mimic the outputs of the software program STRUCTURE by Pritchard et al. (2000). The main reason for not simply using the image files generated by STRUCTURE is so that we could add custom labels beneath each K population instead of doing that step in Powerpoint. The input should be a CSV file using text output from STRUCTURE.

To use this script on the command line, type: python sys.argv[1] sys.argv[2] where sys.argv[1] is the CSV file and sys.argv[2] is the desired output (PNG format).

Analysis of Molecular Variance

The Rscript AMOVA.R conducts the Analysis of Molecular Variance analysis. The R script uses the poppr.amova() function from the poppr R package. We used the "farthest neighbor" algorithm because it is the most strict option. The poppr.amova() function gives users the choice between the ade4 implementation or the pegas implementation. We chose to use the ade4 implementation. To correct for non-Euclidean distance, we used the quasieuclid correction. We chose this over the lingoes or cailliez correction methods because quasieuclid does not introduce a modification of the original distances like the other two methods. The AMOVA.R script is launched using the shell script

Mantel test

The Mantel test was conducted using the R script mantel_test.R. The script uses the implementation of the Mantel test in the R package ade4. Geographical and genetic distances are loaded into the R environment from their own CSV files (geo_distances.csv for geographic distances and genetic_distances.csv for genetic distances). Both tables need to be converted into an object of dist class before the mantel.rtest() can be used. From a practical purpose, this modifies the original values but it appears to change them all equally.


The script was written to calculate pairwise similarity between each sample in our dataset. The script creates two identical lists containing each of the sample names in order to compare two variables simultaneously (in a nested for loop). The genotype calls (SNPs) are stored in lists and compared to one another by counting the number of occurrence where the i-th genotype call in one sample matches the i-th genotype call in the seond sample in the comparison. The count is then divided by 5,955 (the total number of SNPs--note that this is hard-coded) to yield a similarity value (which should be between 0 and 1). The results are then written to a CSV file in a three-column format. The first two columns give the two samples being compared and the third column gives the similarity value.


There is a lot to unpack with the D-statistics. I tried two approaches here. The first approach was relatively simple and involved a program called D-suite.

The second approach was using AdmixTools2. This program was a bit more involved to use. Population membership comes in a the form of a plink family (.fam) file. The first few lines of my plink.fam file look something like this:

Sample_0001/Sample_0001_sorted.bam Sample_0001/Sample_0001_sorted.bam 0 0 0 -9
Sample_0002/Sample_0002_sorted.bam Sample_0002/Sample_0002_sorted.bam 0 0 0 -9
Sample_0003/Sample_0003_sorted.bam Sample_0003/Sample_0003_sorted.bam 0 0 0 -9

That is, each line contains sample names exactly as they were recorded in the VCF file. It works just fine within plink for making PCA plots, etc. However, AdmixTools2 requires each of these lines to contain info about population membership. I tried writing some simple awk or sed one-liners, but nothing ended up working. (Code given below partially works-but it only returns one column in the output file and I need 6 so that it resembles the excerpt above).

awk -F':' 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2} NR>FNR{$1=a[$1];print}' plink_binary.fam genetic_diversity_key_for_AdmixTools.txt > plink_edited.fam

So, I ended up using the VLOOKUP function in Excel to replace each sample name with their STRUCTURE-defined population (where K=4). This is important because I initially started replacing sample names with the identity of that sample (e.g., lake/river of origin or cultivar/breeding line). D-statistics/ABBA-BABA analysis uses 4 groups so our grouping of samples into four populations (Natural Stands I, Natural Stands II, Cultivated Material, Z. aquatica) works out nicely.

The R script that does the analysis is admixTools.R and is launched by

Linkage Disequilibrium

I used the R script find_LD_decay.R to calculate Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) Decay. It requires two inputs: the first file contains the SNP data. My data are organized in a CSV file so that rows represent individual SNPs and columns represent individuals. However, the The LD.decay() function requires that the data are organized so that rows are individuals and columns are SNPs. It also requires that the data are in a matrix rather than a data.table (or data.frame, if you're old school).

The code block shown below is how I converted the data from data.table to matrix.

# Transpose data so that columns are markers and rows are individuals
data_t <- t(data)
# Convert data to matrix
data_t_m <- as.matrix(data_t)

This isn't a complete summary of how I processed my data, but it's enough for the README file.

The second input file contains the map data with three columns. The first column contains the SNP names (which are somewhat arbitrary); the second column contains the chromosome/linkage group names; and the third column contains the position of the SNP (either in basepairs as in our data or in centiMorgans).


The XP-CLR analysis (Cross-Population Composite Likelihood Ratio) analysis tests for selective sweeps. The method we used was implemented by Chen et al. 2010. The README can be found here.
The basic pattern for the code looks like this:

XPCLR -xpclr genofile1 genofile2 mapfile outputFile -w1 snpWin gridSize chrN -p corrLevel

genofile1 (cultivated material) is the genotype input for object population
genofile2 (natural stands) is the genotype input for reference population
mapfile contains snp information file (for SNPs from a single chromosome)

Note: One thing to pay particularly close attention to is the fact that the analysis needs to be run separately for each chromosome. This is why each file (genofile1, genofile2, and the mapfile) have numbers as suffixes (".1", ".2", ".3", ... , ".17"). The ".17" corresponds to ZPchr0458. I used 17 rather than .458 for consistency with the other input files (and because when I did some other analyses such as the LD decay analysis, when there was a jump between "chromosome 16" and "chromosome 458", the program/function LD.decay() in R thought there should be additional chromosomes for each number between 16 and 458. The output file for "chromosome 17" reverts back to ZPchr0458 so it doesn't interfere with our consistent usage of the nomenclature elsewhere.

For the input file: I opened the SNP matrix (CSV format) in Excel and converted the genotype calls to the format required by the XP-CLR program. The "0" that represents a homozygous reference SNP call becomes "0 0"; the "1" that represents the heterozygous SNP call becomes "0 1" and the "2" that representes the homozygous alternate SNP call becomes "1 1". Then, because each genotype is in its own cell (being in comma-separated format), I decided to concatenate each of the individual SNP calls so that they were all in a single cell in Excel (separated by a single whitespace character). To do this, I used a custom Excel function called CONCATENATEMULTIPLE that allowed me to select an array/range of cells in Excel and concatenate them all, separated by a character of my choice. So, I chose a single white space character (sep = " "). Then, I copy and pasted the results for each chromosome into their own text (.txt) files (but with a suffix that corresponds to the chromosome that they represent) and uploaded them all to the MSI system to run the analysis. This was done separately for the cultivated material (genofile1) and the natural stands (genofile2).

The information below is related to using Arlequin which we have more or less abandoned because it didn't seem useful for high-throughput SNP data

Prep files for input into Arlequin
The script was written to convert the SNP matrix from the comma-separated value (CSV) format to Arlequin input format. Arlequin requires somewhat unique formatting. For a diploid individual, each locus requires two lines. There needs to be a name for the haplotype, the number of individuals with that haplotype, followed by the SNP calls. The second line only need the SNP calls. For homozygous calls (0 or 1), the ref (0) or alt (2) calls are used for both lines.

The basic code for running the script is:
python BassLake_snp_matrix.csv BassLake_arlequin_input.arp
The script needs to be run for each lake.

The input files are:

  • BassLake_snp_matrix.csv
  • ClearwaterRiver_snp_matrix.csv
  • DahlerLake_snp_matrix.csv
  • DeckerLake_snp_matrix.csv
  • GarfieldLake_snp_matrix.csv
  • MudhenLake_snp_matrix.csv
  • NecktieRiver_snp_matrix.csv
  • OttertailRiver_snp_matrix.csv
  • PhantomLake_snp_matrix.csv
  • Plantagenet_snp_matrix.csv
  • ShellLake_snp_matrix.csv
  • UpperRiceLake_snp_matrix.csv
  • ZizaniaAquatica_snp_matrix.csv

They were created by opening the original SNP matrix (with rows=SNPs and columsn=individuals) in Excel and separating the SNP data accrording to which lake/river they come from. The data were then transposed (so that rows=individuals and columns=SNPs) as required for Arlequin format.

Some post-processing is required at the moment. For example, Arlequin format requires 2 rows for each haplotype, but only the first one needs a name and number of occurrence. So, I need to find a way to skip those first two columns/fields for the second row to ensure that the loci align properly. There are also extra loci for the last individual and I'm not quite sure why.

I am considering each individual to have its own haplotype. We would likely see many shared haplotypes if we were using imputed data, but for now I haven't tried to reduce the number of haplotypes. I think there is too much missing data for the combination of haplotypes to be possible.

Arlequin can be difficult to work with sometimes. Here are the settings that I used to make it work:

  • Each lake in its own group
    • e.g., Group 1 = Bass Lake, Group 2 = Clearwater River
  • Project information (all of this is greyed out)
    • Filename: C:/Users/haasx092/Documents/wild_rice/genetic_diversity/Arlequin_files/natural_stands_fst.arp
    • Ploidy: Genotypic data
    • Gametic Phase: Unknown
    • Dominance: Codominant
    • Data type: DNA
    • Recessive allele: null
    • Locus separator: WHITESPACE
    • Missing data: ?
  • Population comparisons
    • ✔️ Compute pairwise FST
  • Genetic distance settings
    • ✔️ Slatkin's distance
    • ✔️ Reynold's distance
    • ✔️ Compute pairwise differences (pi)
    • No. of permutations: 100
    • Significance level: 0.05
    • Use conventional F-statistics (haplotype frequencies only)
    • Pairwise difference
    • Gamma a value: 0
  • Population differentiation
    • ✔️ Exact test of population differentiation
    • Exact test settings
      • No. of steps in Markov chain: 100,000
      • No. of dememorization steps: 10,000
      • ✔️ Generate histogram and table
      • Significance level: 0.05
  • Project Wizard
    • Data type: FREQUENCY
    • Genotypic data: NOT CHECKED
    • Known gametic phase: GREY AND NOT CHECKED
    • Recessive data: GREY AND NOT CHECKED
    • Controls:
      • No. of samples: 2
      • Locus separator: WHITESPACE
      • Missing data: ?
    • Optional sections
      • Include haplotype list: UNCHECKED
      • Include distance matrix: UNCHECKED
      • Include genetic structure: UNCHECKED