API with ASP.NET CORE 5.0, Repository Pattern and UnitOfWork, Amazon S3, SendGrid, JWT
An API was developed. This is an intermediate layer that establishes how one software module communicates with another. In this case, the front-end with the database.
The user must register on the site to be able to interact with the api functionalities, by doing so he receives a welcome email.
To enter, you must login and you are assigned a role ("Admin" / "User"), which conditions your actions with the api. Comments, activities, members, testimonials, contacts, slides, etc. can be organized. Through create, edit, and delete operations (CRUD).
It has a file storage service from S3 Amazon.
Everything that happened during this consumption of the designed software is registered in a database on the server that is provided.
PS: The security parameters will not be uploaded for security reasons