The controllers have been changed to operate continuously. They can be stopped using a service call. An example of this is in, where the controllers are stopped upon a keystroke. A few hardware parameters need to be set in the code itself. The files that neeed to be updated are and The lines which need updating are indicated by comments that begin with "WUR".
All development for this project was done in ROS2 Rolling. Other ROS2 distributions may work, but compatability is not guaranteed.
Custom services that accompany this package can be found in the apple_msgs package:
These services are required in order to run the code in this repository.
To log data about branch dynamics, follow the steps in Your host computer should be able to view the topics published in Docker, but you should confirm by running ros2 topic list
in a native terminal.
Running rosbag record as a python subprocess was blocking user input to the script. I will be developing a new automatic recording method, but for now it is disabled. Please manually run rosbag record.
Several functions need to be added to the main script, including:
- Reading from the probe
- Reading from the digital calipers
- Logging the pose of the end-effector/ configuration of the robot
Bring up the robot by running
ros2 launch ur_robot_driver ur_type:=ur5e robot_ip:=YOUR_ROBOT_IP launch_rviz:=false initial_joint_controller:=forward_position_controller
For the OSU robots, the robot IP is or
It is often helpful to run the robot in headless mode using headless_mode:=true. However, note that if you are doing so, you must re-connect to the teach pendant via ros service calls whenever you switch to local mode. It is highly recommended that you instead keep the robot set to "automatic" and simply press play after sending commands via teach pendant.
In another terminal, start MoveIt2 by running
ros2 launch ur_moveit_config ur_type:=ur5e launch_rviz:=true
The robot should now be displayed in RViz in the same configuration as the real robot.
First we will need to activate the forward_position_controller. In a third terminal, run:
ros2 control switch_controllers --deactivate [...] --activate forward_position_controller
A call to ros2 control list_controllers
should show the forward_position_controller as active
Next, we must activate the servo node. In the same terminal, call the activation service using:
ros2 service call /servo_node/start_servo std_srvs/srv/Trigger {}
Once again, the user is referred to
First, launch the service client and custom controller node by running:
ros2 launch wur_osu_apples23
Unfortunately, running nodes from launch files prevents them from recieving user input from the terminal. We will have to open one more terminal.
We are now ready to begin our picking experiments. Navigate to the folder where you want the experiment data to be stored. Then, source the setup file for the workspace in which you have this package. Finally, run:
ros2 run wur_osu_apples23 run_trials
Follow the prompts to perform the picking trials.