Scythe is a program synthesis tool that synthesizes sql queries from input-output examples. Scythe takes in 1) input examples: a set of input tables, 2) an output table and 3) description of which constants or aggregators to be used, and returns a list of SQL queries synthesized from these inputs.
Here are the steps to run the tool on an input-output example.
- Download the jar file Scythe.jar.
- Prepare an example file containing input tables, an output table, and a constraint with constant information. An example file should look like these ones in the folder /data.
- Run in command line with command:
java -jar Scythe.jar path/to/the/example/file StagedEnumerator
In this command, "path/to/the/example/file" refers to your example file, option "StagedEnumerator" referes to the synthesizer used in synthesis.