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My first real React.JS project, which is using existing API - TMDB. The app is not properly responsive and not all features are in it this day. It will be updated to be polished and satisfactory.
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
The app main page displays curently trending movies cards with hover effects, which are links to single movie pages.
Another lists such as best rating movies comming soon!
The page provides info such as title, subtitle, generes, release date, ratings, short description, poster and a movie trailer button, if such trailer exists. The trailer button opens up a modal box with a youtube player. The background of the page is an original movie backdrop.
The whole site implements searchbar is header for quickly searching for the movie. It calls API for movie list with every keystroke, making it very interactive.
The language changer is a switch providing and storaging information about side language in local storage of the browser.