What I intend to read and why. Also what I have read so far.
Here is my wish list on Amazon
Note: books are grouped according to the Library of Congress Classification Classes
- Not yet read, trying to get a copy
◔ Started reading
◑ Half way through!
◕ About to finish reading - I have read the book
◑ Grit : the power of passion and perseverance by Angela Duckworth
◑ Hooked : how to build habit-forming products by Nir Eyal
Just started reading, but by the look of it, it may be quite a good book.
The Hook Model:
- Trigger
- Action
- Variable Reward
- Investment
◔ ReWork: Change the Way You Work Forever by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson.
- The essential exponential : for the future of our planet by Albert Allen Bartlett
At the moment I am trying to get a copy of this book.
◔ Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns by Kent Beck
◔ The Square: Savoury: 1 by Philip Howard
They say that if the first sentance captures your attention, then you are hooked and you are going to read the book all the way through. I have started the Introduction and I am hooked :) Sounds like a great story, beautiful language.