Based on an initial work of Texas Roemer (DELL)
Enhanced by Mickael Roy
PS C:\idrac-refdish-powershell-module> Ipmo .\IdracRedfish
- Dismount-RacVirtualDrive
- Get-RacBiosSettings0
- Get-RacFirmwareVersion
- Get-RacJobStatus
- Get-RacManagerAttribute
- Get-RacPendingBiosSettings
- Get-RacPowerState
- Get-RacSession
- Get-RacUser
- Get-RacVirtualDriveStatus
- Invoke-RacBootToNetworkISO
- Invoke-RacOneTimeBoot
- New-RacSession
- New-RacUser
- Register-RacBiosSettings
- Remove-RacSession
- Remove-RacUser
- Repair-IdracBadGateway
- Reset-RacIdrac
- Set-RacManagerAttribute
- Set-RacPowerState
- Set-RacUserPassword
- Submit-RacPendingBiosSettings
- Test-RacRedfish
- Update-RacFirmware
- Get-RacManagerDellAttribute
- Set-RacManagerDellAttribute
- Initialize-DellPowerEdge.ps1
- Set-RacTemplate.ps1
- Import-RacTemplate.ps1
Register-RacBiosSettings -Ip_Idrac -RacUser root -RacPwd *pass* -Name SysProfile -Value PerfOptimized
Submit-RacPendingBiosSettings -Ip_Idrac -RacUser root -RacPwd *pass* -Restart
$Session = New-RacSession -Ip_Idrac -Credential $Credential
Register-RacBiosSettings -Session $Session -Name SysProfile -Value PerfOptimized
Submit-RacPendingBiosSettings -Session $Session -Restart
- Initialize-DellPowerEdge.ps1
- Set-RacTemplate.ps1
- Import-RacTemplate.ps1
- Get-RacManagerDellAttribute
- Set-RacManagerDellAttribute
All cmdlets can detect and use the proxy user. Also, hostname parameter has been added beside Ip_Idrac.
All cmdlets have been updated to manage token authentication and avoid clear password usage.
You can use Credential parameter to pass credentials during unique operation or,
you can generate a token with New-Racsession cmdlet that you store in a variable.
Remove-RacUser cmdlet added.