Gradle root build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
// ... some repos
maven { url "" }
project build.gradle
ext {
minterExplorerSDK = "2.0.0"
dependencies {
// for testnet use suffix "-testnet"
implementation "${minterExplorerSDK}"
// for main net
implementation "${minterExplorerSDK}"
class MyProject {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MinterExplorerSDK.Setup explorerSdk = new MinterExplorerSDK.Setup().setEnableDebug(true /*set true or false to see logs*/);
// Optional: you can set your own explorer api url
// Optional: you can set your own gate api url
// Optional: also you can set your own logger by interface {@link Mint.Leaf}
explorerSdk.setLogger(new TimberLogger());
// Finally, initialize singletone instance and get it
// Now you can use SDK, see example below
SDK uses retrofit http client with RxJava2
Example: how to get transaction list by minter address
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.List;
import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers;
import network.minter.explorer.models.ExpResult;
import network.minter.explorer.models.HistoryTransaction;
import network.minter.explorer.repo.ExplorerTransactionRepository;
class MyProject {
public void someFunc() {
ExplorerTransactionRepository txRepo = MinterExplorerSDK.getInstance().transactions();
// get list of transactions by given address
MinterAddress address = new MinterAddress("Mx01c8af77721c9666c672de62a4deadda0dafb03a");
.subscribe((ExpResult<List<HistoryTransaction>> response) -> {
if(response.isOk()) {
List<HistoryTransaction> transactions = response.result;
} else {
// all errors with "content-type: application/json" will be put in the ExpResult, so you can handle it without exceptions
Log.d("Explorer", String.format("Error: [%d] %s", response.getCode(), response.getMessage()));
}, throwable -> {
// there is some unknown error
For more examples, see our wallet app
Javadocs available with package on bintray. Usage guide: soon
See Release notes
This software is released under the MIT License.
© 2018 MinterTeam [email protected], All rights reserved.