multiple renditions of haptics
Main info check startup branch links to researchgate context (initial project)
Arduino with NodeJS + bluetooth
I2C with Python + wifi
website static and links to external context, content, refs
UPDATE 2020/2021: I2C and python for v2 octopulse (8 LRAs) added | all materials etc. see: haptics_v2_I2C
ALREADY UPLOADED: code for arduinos on body with 5 buzzers and raspberry pi running nodejs server to handle incoming osc to the onbody arduinos
code provided for haptic control is a very simple example using pre-programmed buzzer patterns that can be adapted as you see fit both arduino versions and raspberrypi versions have simple buzzer codes that demonstrate such options as:
how to hard-code specific patterns
various methods for flexible and live-updating of patterns
for the raspberrypi and DRV controller a PDF of use and customisation is included