CA1. Socket-Programming
This project focuses on creating a decentralized food ordering system using C language's system calls and socket programming. The decentralized architecture enables communication among nodes without a central administrator. The core functionality involves establishing communication through sockets for food orders, and special attention is given to robust error handling, incorporating customized error messages to address potential issues during program execution.
CA2. MapReduce
This project focuses on managing building utility processes using the Map-Reduce model, emphasizing its significance in handling large datasets in a distributed environment. The implementation involves calculating statistical indices related to electricity, gas, and water consumption in factory buildings, identifying peak consumption hours, determining average consumption for each building, and utilizing parallel execution through mapping processes for enhanced performance.
CA3. MultiThread-Image-Processing
This project involves implementing multi-threaded applications to apply various filters, including Vertical Mirror, Gaussian Blur, Purple Haze, and Diagonal Hatch-Like Lines, to 24-bit Bitmap (BMP) format images. The primary objectives include exploring fundamental concepts in designing multi-threaded systems and comparing the performance of filter applications between serial and parallel execution.