- why Linkedin uses url while The Zucc ?uses;
- bashrc irresponsive
- ?except: bash;
- Comments In MarkDown
- duckduckgo search syntax
- rmarkdown
- extract requirenmets from .deb packagesj
- how to use dpkg
- ? makepkg -??:arch.
- /yt-dlp source
Setting up a repo from the terminal
gh auth login
cd [repo dir]
git init
git add [file]
git commit [commit explaination]
git branch -M [branch]
git remote add origin [link]
git push -u main origin main
gh create repo [] [flags] --public
- find file;
- tr
- place launcher in xfce4
- inxi:command for displaying cpu/gpu/etc... info * -G flag for graphichs info & -A for audio check*
- name spaceless!
- API ?? token, validation, etc
- integrations: aws toolkit cloudformation template;
- ?? templating lan?? Handelbars Jinja
- inversion of control: categorization of frameworks; opinionated: restricts to it's syntax.
- babel: Jabascipt compiler
- webpack module bundle bundeler
- backendjs&&fejs
- Brother said ES6, cleancode, etc;
- Ruby can be used for the front end;
- scale :: background;
- divs, split screens auto-align: Reactivewp;
- font insertion;
- pl versions
- npm vs jsframeworks
- Gecko vs V8
- innovaation,
- fonts list
- Bootstrap:? complicated designs;
js Libraries & FrameWorks - sort - Angular: Google. foss, - React: Meta. build & drop into wp; - Has no ?Routing; - vue: Community. visual focused. - jquery: ? - TypeScript: js with syntax highlighting, & more func; - Deno: NoBread. - ? npm publishing; - DOM Document Object Model uses js to manipulate html elements; - Compiled js; - js
- insert library
Back-End: Python: (Django,Flask) Java: :(spring) Node.js: JavaScript: (Express.js, node.js) express.js supports caching, meaning loads faster; Ruby: (Rails) iframe in html
API: predefined code with iffi;
- Json
=== - webpages Client inreracts with the server wich hosts either Dynamic or static wp static vs dynamic
- b: "back a word"; w: "forward a word";
- A: (Append)"endline && insert"
- I: "fistinline && insert";
- u: "undo ctrl+r: "redo"; # n u/ctrl+r==loop";
- o: "newline & insert";O: "newlineup & insert";
- emmet
- vim plugins tot
- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?yank whole line
- ?p after /search cache celar
- ? db in insert mode;
- ? paste predefined code in ~/.vimrc
- ? :e;
- lookup for later
- askubunto
- stackexchaged
- line num: :set (number/relativenumber)(nu/rnu/; dis: :set (nonumber/nonu/norelativenumber) when short_cut:num reli = 0; ref
- select* from File navigation
- ?setup the vimrc
- ?install pip;
- ?Rename Files with conditions+/sequence;
Operating Systems & U becoming a Power User
- uptime for bash
- lsof list open files "used"
- ?msc
- use /dev/net/tun();"character special (10/200)"
- github pages & cv;
- python if possible
- line numbers on vim or neovim
- vim vs neovim
- vscodium
- async
- CCNA etc
- are github commits blames errasable
- blame github
- if diff: []
- Bash Scripting: ?add custom script in the ~/.bashrc;
- PS and Pash
- Git on PS
- winget, Chocholaty, Get-Package PS;
- git on your own server
- GIMP & Coursera linkedin
- github numbers insights etc
- pulse audio alsam inxi -A & audio manipulation program search
- yt-dlp from txt >> endofline if duplicate break;
- alt + f4 ain't working;
- rust ;
- make em mechanics; make em embeded; make em x,y axis;
- link tsoding view of bad hardware
- auto corrct vim
- git repo creation
- GPU order, debian & arch;
- systemd vs runnit openrc;
- Linux file system
- iot (alexa)
- optimized sup optiman code aka clean code;
- xmodmap session startup
- the options key ain't here
- How to edit gifs
Fri Dec 20 01:50:58 AM EET 2024
- hjkl extention with js
- tail print last ten lines of a doc
- eventvwe.msc
- msc search;
- terminal appearance
- mkd
- less decendin
- ecept in mv etc;
- linux logs
- mv/cp hidden files
- remove files/ move files to new branch;?branch; ?mkbranch;
- image viewr: lightweight xfce4
- ?File The Terminal;
- get file path with it name
- cms????? from Html,css Course
- js console; can console use wasm;
- hell is oop;
- freeplane && java - Get Debian;
- Git on domain
- Git Rolllback
- ~/.vimrc >> pch && terminal.colors from asap;
- text file sizes, post-compilation file sizes;
- ?p7zip bash;
- Debian Advanced Installation
- APT replacement Chirtitus
- Dbian server VS Ubuntu Server
- GUI For vimrc for them crigners
- get Terminal configuration for colors
- Methomonia - en
- {Richard Stallman - GNU Project](
- gpg
- proberly remove a package
- ?subject matter;
- ?span vs div><><><><><
- search engine optimization
- man mailgo
- Buttons Magic - classic
- licencing html,js,css
- hell is umask & dmesg