Project Description: Link each Marketing activity to the corresponding effect on sales to accurately measure marketing ROI and optimize advertising spend.
Team Name- ML group 2 Topic: Dataset To access Dataset,
Get your kaggle api through your kaggle account kaggle>my profile>api>generate new api token (downloads a json file)
upload this json file on Colab through drive else through runtime. for drive: from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') upload on environment: colab>menu>upload file>choose .json file to upload
Now your api/dataset is ready to download data
Frequent error- Outdated api to resolve this (run below code): --- !pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall --no-deps kaggle
Import the required libraries if cannot troubleshoot by ! pip install library name.
DATASET: Taken from: KAGGLE url :- Dataset consist of- 1 Train CSV 1 Test CSV
Team Name- ML group 2 Topic: PowerBI report To run power BI(.pbix) file make sure you have the software installed: -Power BI Desktop(by microsoft) intsllation link :- To check online follow these steps: -open power BI community: url: -open power BI services: Enter into a new Workspaces>My workSpace > option to upload file> upload Poer_bi_report.pbix
You are ready to explore the power BI report