Start terminal and navigate to intended directory.
Enter "git clone"
Enter “expo install”
Enter “expo start”
Tired of your friends overusing the replies “Anything” or “I don’t know” when asked where to go? Or perhaps you are guilty of being part of the problem? It is not surprising that many of us encounter such dilemmas in our daily lives. We Singaporeans are spoilt for choice and do not take making these decisions seriously. Furthermore, being a student/youth could mean our choices will have to take into account our budgets.
This may seem like a trivial issue, but it can be one that strains relationships due to ineffective communication. Moreover, not everyone in the group will fully enjoy the activity as they simply follow through with whatever that is suggested. Hence, LESGO! will be an application for anyone looking for an enjoyable adventure but can’t make up their mind or don't know where to go!
Our team intends to ease the decision-making process amongst groups of friends (mainly students/youths) during planning of gatherings through effective recommendations on the application.
As a considerate friend, I want to be able to easily plan outings where everyone’s preferences are met, so that my friends and I are satisfied with the outing.
As an adventurous young adult, I want to be able to try new activities when going out with my friends.
As a busy student/ young adult, I want to be able to efficiently plan for a gathering with friends, so that I can have more free time.
As a busy student/young adult, I want to be able to keep track of when I am going out with friends so that I can plan my schedule easily.
As a thrifty student/young adult, I want to be able to have my spending capabilities considered whenever I plan outings with my friends.
These are the main features meant to be implemented to tackle the above issues. These features are listed and described briefly below:
Users of LESGO! will have to create an account and login to enjoy the application Friends can add each other via search Keeps track of which ‘Rooms’ users are currently part of and shows them in the Home Page
Allow users to set-up a ‘Room’ and invite friends Able to set a time period for these invitations During the time period set, invited friends will be able to indicate their preferences. At the end of the time period, everyone invited will be added to the ‘Room’, regardless if they indicated their preferences or not. Chat Feature Allow participants in the ‘Room’ to discuss more about the outing if they need to.
Preferences indicated by friends will be categorised under: i) Budget ii) Type of activity With the data provided, Algorithm to filter out dealbreakers and search for the best options Application to generate a list of 6 potential activities for the participants to choose from
Users in the ‘Room’ will be able to vote for the activity which they are interested in from the list generated!
To provide more functionality and improve the user experience, we are also planning to implement additional features. You can read more about these additional features below:
Feature to allow users to share their planned activities to social media.
Allows for a quick random recommendation for users.
Google Maps integration within the application. Provides a list of nearby activities, if users do not wish to filter out anything. Project Details
Programming Language: JavaScript
UI Design: Figma
Framework: React Native
Database: Firebase
Version Control: Git
URL access to project deployed:
Link to README: