#More than Chinese Restaurant in Ann Arbor
A Udacity Front-end Developer Course Project
Hello! Welcome to Ann Arbor with Minion!
Here is a map of the best Chinese restaruants in Ann Arbor. There are also two restaruants are not Chinese, just for reconmentation. One Chinese restaruant is actually not very good. Can you find it?
##Get Start
- Start Load the map. Then you can see all the 8 places.
- Search Type the restaruant's name in the input box and the restaruant will be filtered out.
- Show/Hide The Pin Click the button of the restaruant's name to see/hide the pin.
- Show More Info Click the pin to see the restaruant's name, picture from yelp, phone number and my note.
- Change Map Style Click the menu on the upper left side
Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/MujunZ/A2Map.git
$ cd /A2Map
Set up localhost (more details see here)
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080
and you will see the following message:
Serving HTTP on port 8000 ...
Then type the following address in your browser:
Get started with grunt (more details) by Installing the CLI
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install grunt --save-dev
npm install grunt-contrib-uglify --save-dev
Thanks to Udacity hard-working mentors, Karol, Sarah_m, etc., reviewers, Ann Arbor Coffee House Coders organizer, Scott Goci and Chinese Udacity WeChat group Zhilian Dai for your in time help whenever I stuck myself in a corner.
I finally completed this project at the last night of the third month of this Nanodegree. I feel I learned a lot in the past three month: Javascript from 0 to 1, GitHut from 0 to 1, etc. etc.