I am about to graduate college in May of 2024 with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science! I have learned a lot throughout earning this degree, and working the entire time. I have also participated in Speech and Debate at Utah State University, winning many awards. All of these have given me skills in Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Quick and Solid Resolutions, Eloquent Writing, and many more.
On top of this, I have gained many software specific skills including:
- Languages:
- Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, and Kotlin
- Software Architecture:
- Object Oriented Programming, MVVM, MVC, and Uni-Directional Data Flow
- Web Development (Frontend and Backend):
- React, Express, Django, Vue, Node, Yarn, REST, and TypeScript
- Artificial Intelligence:
- Symbolic AI, Artificial Neural Networks, Keras, PyTorch, SciKit Learn, and Ensembles
- Algorithms:
- Big O/Theta, Recurrence Relations, Optimal Stopping, MultiArmed Bandits, etc.
- AWS and Cloud Development:
- EC2, S3, DynamoDB, AWS CLI, Lambda, and Boto3
- Android Development:
- AndroidStudio, Kotlin, Java, and MVVM
- Git
- Docker
- TicTacToe Against AI
- Used GPS Symbolic AI and PyGame to make a TicTacToe Game against an AI!
- Baba Is You Clone
- Remade Baba Is You demo with JavaScript! Used ECS architecture and Node.js for server hosting.
- Leaf Classification With SciKitLearn
- Helped create Leaf Classification machine learning code! Able to use CNN, MLP, Resnet, Ensemble, etc.
- Bookt Booking Application
- Used Kotlin and Android Studio to create a mobile application to help book events!
Used README from Angelo Martin as Template: Link to README from Angelo Martin