Python AmoCRM API (http://www.amocrm.ru/) (human interface for easy using )
pip install amocrm_api
There are 7 abstraction of 5 AmoCRM objects:
- Контакт - BaseContact
- Компания - BaseCompany
- Сделка - BaseLead
- Задача - (LeadTask, ContactTask)
- Событие - (LeadNote, ContactNote)
First of all you need to define settings Example:
from amocrm import BaseContact, amo_settings, fields amo_settings.set('[email protected]', '4b332718c4c5944003af7e6389860ced', 'testcentrobit')
One of the features of AmoCRM in the presence of custom fields in a contact, company and lead objects
To define your custom field you need describe it
from amocrm import BaseContact, amo_settings, fields amo_settings.set('[email protected]', '4b332718c4c5944003af7e6389860ced', 'testcentrobit') class Contact(BaseContact): position = fields.CustomField(u'Должность') site = fields.CustomField(u'Сайт') phone = fields.EnumCustomField(u'Телефон', enum='WORK')
Ok, now it is ready to use and you can get, create or edit contacts
new_contact = Contact(name='Example2', company='ExampleCorp2', position='QA', phone='0001') new_contact.site = 'http://example.com' new_contact.save() contact = Contact.objects.get(new_contact.id) contact_search = Contact.objects.search('Example2') assert contact.id == contact_search.id print(contact.phone) contact.phone = '8-800-00000000' contact.save() contact.create_task('New task, yeee', task_type=u'Звонок', complete_till=datetime.datetime.now()+datetime.timedelta(days=3)) print(contact.notes) print(contact.tasks)