WWSK v0.2.0
Release Summary
WorldWindServerKit (WWSK) v0.2.0 adds the capacity to export OGC GeoPackages. This release also adds support for GDAL raster layers.
- Raster layers can be exported to OGC GeoPackages via the Web Admin's Layer Preview or via Web Processing Service (WPS) requests
- The GDAL support features a fix for the ECW/JP2K library should it be added to an installation
- ECW and MrSID support have been excluded from this general release due to licensing conflicts, these features can be added post installation
Associated GitHub Issues
No. | Description | Type |
#19 | Remove MrSID support from the distribution | request |
#18 | Remove ECW and JP2K (ECW) support from the distribution | request |
#16 | GeoPackage export via WPS enhancement | new feature |
#15 | GeoPackage WPS request parser does not use proper XML bindings | bug |
#14 | Change the web app context to "geoserver" | enhancement |
#13 | Adding a new JP2ECW data store causes GeoServer to crash | bug |
#9 | JPEG 2000 support is incomplete in the WWSK distribution bug | |
#3 | Web context for binary distribution should be geoserver, not worldwind-geoserver | bug |
Known Issues
No. | Description | Type |
#26 | WAR file deployment to Tomcat failed | bug |
Impacts to other development teams/compatibility
Description outlining impacts that other development teams should be aware of and any compatibility issues or concerns.
Component | Version |
GeoServer | 2.10.0 |
GeoTools | 16.0 |
GeoWebCache | 1.10.0 |
ImageIO-Ext | 1.1.13 |
JAI-Ext | 1.0.11 |
Jetty | 9.2.13.v20150730 |
- The deployed Java JRE was changed from Java to Java
- Maven dependencies were established on gt-imageio-ext-gdal, excluding the ECW and MrSID related artifacts
- GDAL 1.9.2 natives and data were added to distributions
- GeoPackageProcessRequestPPIO was registered in the Spring applicationContext it is responsible for registering the GPKG bindings and parser for handling GeoPackage WPS requests
- GPKGParserDelegate was added to support the bindings of the gpkg.xsd schema
- GeoPackageProcess was changed to generate tiles using the OGC GeoPackage tiling scheme
End User impact/User facing changes
Description outlining the user facing changes associated with the release.
- run.bat was added to launch GeoServer with proper memory and environment settings in Windows
- install.sh creates the wwsk.service in Linux
- Default WMS interpolation method was changed from Bilinear to Bicubic
- Default WCS overview policy set to NEAREST
- WCS SRS list defined
- WW Imagery and WW Elevations gridsets were removed from the list of default caching gridsets
- WW Imagery gridset was renamed to WWJ Imagery in the GeoWebCache configuration
- WW Elevations gridset was removed from GeoWebCache configuration
See the Readme, GeoServer, GeoPackage and GDAL Image Formats documentation.
Location of all log files and any special documentation regarding the logging for this component.
Test Tools
Apache JMeter was used to perform functional tests targeting WWSK instances running on the Ubuntu, CentOS and Windows platforms.
- The JMeter test resources (*.jmx files) are in the /jmeter folder hierarchy
- Shell and Python scripts for generating WMS test input .csv can be found in the /scripts/wms_requests/ folder
WWSK is installed by simply unzipping a platform specific distribution to a folder on a target computer.
Linux Specific Notes
The wwsk.service service unit file uses a hard-coded path to /opt/maps/wwsk to locate the WWSK installation. Assuming /opt/maps/wwsk is a symbolic-link, it must be created/updated to reference the root folder of your WWSK installation. Run ./install.sh to install the wwsk.service.
WWSK is removed by simply deleting the folder in which it was installed. If a wwsk.service has been created (Linux), it should be stopped, disabled and removed.
The recommended practice to update WWSK is to:
- Install a new version of WWSK alongside an older version,
- (Optionally) copy/move data and workspaces from the old version to the new version,
- Remove the old version.
Updating WWSK by unzipping a distribution into an existing WWSK instance has not been tested and is not recommended.
Additional notes, links, and information goes here.
Should you desire to add plugins, the GeoServer version for this release is 2.10.0