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Klervi edited this page Jul 4, 2019 · 2 revisions

The VISEO Bot Maker provides connection to NoSQL (NeDB, MongoDB, CosmosDB).


Install MongoDB

The documentation to install Ubuntu is here

By default, MongoDB can only be reached as localhost. If running MongoDb on a different server, allow external connection as explained below:

Allow external connection

On the MongoDB server, edit /etc/mongod.conf

  port: 27017 
  bindIp:,[mongodb ip]

mongodb ip is the IP of the MongoDB server, not the IP of the servers which use MongoDB.

Database users

In mongo shell, create your admin user as well as an applicative user with restricted access rights.

You can create your mongo shell script with the content below:

loginAdmin = "your-admin";
passwordAdmin = "admin-password";
loginUser = "your-application-user";
passwordUser = "user-password";
database = "your-database";

db = connect("localhost:27017/admin");

if(db.system.users.find({user: loginAdmin}).count() === 0) {
         user: loginAdmin,
         pwd: passwordAdmin,
         roles: [ "root" ]

db = db.getSiblingDB(database);

try {
   if(db.system.users.find({user: loginUser}).count() === 0) {
         user: loginUser,
         pwd: passwordUser,
         roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: database } ]
   } else {
      db.grantRolesToUser(loginUser, [{ role: "readWrite", db: database }]);
} catch(err) {

If your MongoDB is on a distant server, you can run your script as such:

mongo [ip]:[port]/admin myscript.js

Enable security

Once you have created your users you should enable security.

It is highly recommended if you have allowed external connections. On the MongoDB server, edit /etc/mongod.conf

  authorization: enabled 

Collection indexes

To better your performances, create your indexes

In mongo shell it goes like this:

db.collection.createIndex( { field: 1 }, { unique: false } );