Releases: NSAPH-Software/GPCERF
Releases · NSAPH-Software/GPCERF
- Changed the maintainer to @boyuren158
- Updated arXiv link in all files to be compatible with CRAN style
- Updated the C++ default version to resolve CRAN notes (from C++11 to C++17).
- Enhanced internal logging with more detailed messages.
- Incorporated the wCorr package for calculating weighted covariance balance.
- Renamed the 'train_gps' function to 'estimate_gps'.
- Improved the summary function for S3 objects.
- estimate_noise_nn now allows for parallelization with an added argument
for the number of CPUs used in parallel. - estimate_mean_sd_nn now only computes the posterior variance.
- find_optimal_nn now returns the posterior mean and covariate balance for the optimal hyper-parameter values.
- Add an argument kernel_fn to all nn related functions to allow for user-defined kernel functions.
- Add an argument formula to all nn related functions to allow for user-defined design matrix.
- find_optimal_nn becomes an internal function.
- estimate_noise_gp and estimate_noise_nn become internal functions.
- estimate_mean_sd_nn becomes an internal function.
- compute_weight_gp becomes an internal function.
- compute_w_corr accepts w and confounders separately. It also normalizes w internally.
- compute_posterior_sd_nn becomes an internal function.
- compute_posterior_m_nn becomes an internal function.
- compute_derive_weights_gp becomes an internal function.
- compute_m_sigma becomes an internal function.
- compute_inverse becomes an internal function.
- In compute_m_sigma, tuning option does not have a default value.
- train_gps does not have default values.
- train_gps accepts vector of the SuperLearner package's libraries.
- train_GPS -> train_gps
Pre-alpha v 0.0.1
Refactored code of full gaussian process
Added the following functions with unittests and examples.
- esimtate_cerf_gp
- compute_m_sigma
- compute_inverse
- compute_weight_gp