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SCSB Ongoing Accessions Endpoint

This lambda serves the /api/v0.1/recap/nypl-bibs endpoint, which takes a customerCode and either a barcode or a bnumber and returns the identified bib and items formatted as SCSB XML.


To initialize a local config to run the lambda:

  • git clone this repo
  • npm i
  • cp config/sample.env config/[environment].env
  • Fill in the required details in config/[environment].env via a co-worker

Note that NYPL_OAUTH_SECRET must be encrypted using KMS.

To encrypt a plaintext secret:

  • Look up the account's KMS encryption key ARN:
    • Log into sandbox if you're encrypting a qa key, nypl-digital-dev if you're encrypting a production key
    • IAM > Encryption Keys > lambda-default (or 'lambda-rds' in sandbox)
    • Copy ARN
  • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 aws kms encrypt --key-id "[encryption key arn]" --plaintext "[plaintext secret]" --profile nypl-{digital-dev||sandbox}

Run Locally

To run the endpoint as a standalone express server (bound to port 3000), three different scripts are registered in package.json:

To run against environment dependencies:

npm run run-development (development)

npm run run-qa (qa)

npm run run-production (production)


Logging into EC2 and Setting Things Up

Because of the dependencies in this app, we need to run our deployments from EC2. Always run deployments from an EC2 instance on the sandbox account.

To find the ec2 address, log in to the AWS console, and go to EC2 instances. Look for a recent instance that has a public IP you can access with the dgdvteam.pem (ask a coworker). You will likely want to use the instance's private IP to connect.

ssh -i path/to/dgdvteam.pem [email protected]

Then change to the directory that you will be running the deployment scripts from.

cd /home/ec2-user/temp

If this directory doesn't exist, you're in for more fun. Create the temp directory, then cd into it and clone this repo.

It is possible you may also need to install git. If you do, this should work:

sudo yum install git

After cloning the repo, you should finally be able to

cd scsb-ongoing-accessions

Once cloned, you will need to setup the following:

  • AWS credentials at ~/.aws/credentials (needs two profiles for qa and production deployment, named 'nypl-sandbox' and 'nypl-digital-dev' respectively -- best to get this from a coworker, too. (if you need to upload them from local to aws, use scp -i path/to-dgdvteam.pem credentials [email protected]:~/. then mv credentials .aws/credentials)
  • nvm via curl -o- | bash ... then reconnect.
  • node 6.10.3 via nvm install 6.10.3 , then nvm use 6.10.3
  • copy your appropriate config/environment.env file to the server a la your credentails file. .env files are currently not in source control so need to be manually put in place, as well.

It's also possible you may need to install make. Or gcc. Or a bunch of other things. If you do, maybe these will work.

yum install make glibc-devel gcc patch yum install gcc-c++

Once that's all in place, npm install. If it works, you should be good to go with deployment.

Running Deploy Scripts

Two deploy scripts are registered in package.json:

npm run deploy-[development|qa|production]

  • deploy-development should deploy to nypl-sandbox
  • deploy-qa and deploy-production deploy to nypl-digital-dev


The test suite uses lambda-tester to run tests against the handler interface.

npm test

Test Fixtures

A series of local test fixtures representing responses from the nypl data api, maintained in ./test/data/*.json. These allow the test suite to run against a fixed set of data. If any fixtures need to be updated or added, a script is provided:

./scripts/update-test-fixtures [--all|PATH] --envfile config/[environment].env --profile [aws profile]

For example, to populate a test fixture for the api response for 'bibs/sierra-nypl/123':

./scripts/update-test-fixtures bibs/sierra-nypl/123 --envfile config/[environment].env --profile [aws profile]

To update ALL of the test fixtures:

./scripts/update-test-fixtures --all --envfile config/[environment].env --profile [aws profile]


The lambda to support the ongoing SCSB accession endpoint






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