Open Source blog publishing platform
- Two-minute install
- Easy to use overlay editor (uses tinyMCE, the most widely-used WYSIWYG editor so you don't have to learn any new tags or codes) with emoticons
- Replaced tinyMCE's emojis with more interesting emojis
- Allows file uploads -- supports uploading images out of the box -- (Admin can specify file types to allow)
- Automatic URL Embedding : URLs will include an inline summary. Supports OpenGraph, oEmbed and Twitter Cards.
- Social Connect (Currently supports Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn)
- Intuitive Admin interfac
- No programming knowledge required
- Create your own themes (If you are a programmer)
- User profile page containing: recent-activity [for owner: edit social presence, password-reset]
- Real Time notifications when there's an activity on the current user's post
- Instant notifications when there's a new post (like twitter)
- Supports infinite-scroll (using the load more posts button)
- Filter/view posts by authors, forums, categories, tags
- Pretty URLs (friendly and human readable)
- SEO optimized: Optimized for Google indexing and searching.
- Implements openGraph and Twitter cards (for rich-media sharing)
- Posts search (with instant results suggestions on change of search parameters)
- Posts search parameters include: keywords, authors, forums, categories, tags
- Posts views count
- User last seen time